Chapter 15

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Charlie POV:

I was sitting on the couch, slowly taking in all the information Black or Zamasu I guess had given us. Vaggie was sitting next to me mumbling something, Niffty had gone to her room, Angel and Cherri went to the kitchen, Alastor left and Husk went to the bar, I decided to talk to Vaggie, "I can't seem to wrap my head around it." I said causing Vaggie to jump a little at my voice, "I told you he was dangerous." she said, "He told me not to tell anyone this, he threatened me. But, now that he's gone I'll tell you." she said looking me straight in the eye with a most serious look in her face, "A few days ago he pinned me to this couch and demanded I be a 'good girl' and show him proper respect, he told me he was trying his hardest to not kill everyone here. I think he sees all of us as putrid 'mortals' as well." Vaggie admitted. I felt sad, angry and hurt by all of this, but despite that, despite his past and hate, I saw something in him, something that could be the key to his redemption, regret. I stood up with a sense of new determination, "I'm going to look for him." I said confidently, "What!? Why should we let that monster back in here, he's pure evil, even worse than Alastor!" she yelled, "I don't care Vaggie, I want to redeem him, that outburst this morning was a big push! We can do it!" I said seriously, she looked down, pondering on my words, "... Fine, I'll help you look for him." she said, I squealed and kissed her cheek. "And we'll help too!" I heard Angel say as he and Cherri came out of the kitchen, "It'll be pretty dull around here without my favorite eye candy walking around." he said with a smile, suddenly I heard the elevator open and Niffty came rushing out, "Are we all going to look for Black?" she said with anticipation, I nodded my head and she smiled, "Come on, let's go. Husk! You're in charge until we get back!" I yelled, "Whatever!" he yelled back. We walked out the door, ready to look for Black.


"This isn't exactly secluded, but it'll do." I said sitting on the roof of a place called "Porn Studios", I then proceeded to punch myself in the gut as hard as I could've, in my base form anyway, and spat out blood, "Stupid, stupid, stupid! Why!? Why did I tell them all that!? They're just disgusting, worthless, savage mortals, they deserve to die out!" I yelled, then I realized something, "Is this my punishment!? To love these creatures, to make love with them!? I want to deny it, but I can't, they make me happy, Alastor, Angel, Niffty, Husk, Vaggie and especially Charlie. I don't know what to do!" I said, "Then embrace it then." I heard a familiar radio-like voice say, I turn my head to see Alastor standing there, "How did you find me?" I asked him, "It's not really hard to find someone who's screaming like a maniac, even in this noisy city I could hear you clearly." he said with a chuckle, "Oh, that makes sense. Wait, what do you mean embrace it?" I asked, "Well, your going to be here for a while, so it's better to get used to your punishment, like we all have." he explained, "After the story you told us, I can guess your punishment and it's to feel feelings for the things that you despise the most, mortals." he said as he got closer. I realized that he was right, this is my punishment and until I get redeemed I'm going to have to live with it, as much as I hate it, there's nothing I can do about it, "Your right Al, thank you." I said, he only laughed and shook his head, "You're very much welcome, now come, let's go back to the hotel, I'm sure the others are worried." he said as he was going to walk away, then I sensed something coming our way, fast. Suddenly an explosion happened and it sent Al flying, I quickly went after him and caught him, bringing him down to the street, "I apologize, that was meant for you not him." I heard a sinister voice say, I looked up to see the one, the only, King Lucifer himself, land in front of us, "Hello Zamasu."
*End of Chapter 15* 

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