Chapter 20

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It's been 11 months since the battle of Lucifer and Goku Black, and since then everyone in Hell has feared and respected Black. His affiliation with the hotel has brought in many sinners filled with the hope of redemption, mostly because they don't want to be in the same plain of existence as Black, which is weird because they are staying in the same building as him and see him almost everyday. He's still in a happy relationship with all the girls, and dreads the day he might get redeemed and leave them. We are now at the time of the annual extermination and we see Black with the staff in the lobby.


This is my first extermination and I feel fine, everyone is all spooked though. Niffty, Cherri, Charlie and Vaggie are cuddling me because they all "scared", bunch of liars, they just want an excuse to be on me, they don't need any anyways. Angel tried to join, but even though he's my friend, I told him if he tried it, I'll obliterate him. Suddenly the door slammed open to reveal an angel covered in blood, everyone got startled and scared, I quickly got up and got ready to fight it. Then it spoke, "Are you Goku Black?" it asked calmly, "Yeah, what do you want?" I asked it, it just stared at me and pulled out a scroll and handed it to me and left. "Black!" I heard all the girls yell as they jumped on me, "It's alright girls, I'm fine." I reassure them, "What is that?" Vaggie asked as she pointed at the scroll, "It's some sort of scroll." I say holding it up, "I know that seal." Charlie says while examining it, "It's the seal of God.", "What, I don't have a seal." I say jokingly, only to be met with disappointing stares by everyone in the room. I chuckled nervously and open the scroll and read it aloud, "Dear Goku Black, Due to your past sins and life, I have decided that you are dangerous. Because of this, you will never be allowed in Heaven, and will spend the rest of eternity in Hell. Sincerely, God." I rolled the scroll back up to see everyone's shocked faces. "WHAT!?" they all yelled in unison, almost making me deaf, I just started laughing like a maniac, "Black! What the fuck is so funny!?" Charlie asks with sorrow on her face, I laugh harder, "Black!" they all yell at me, I calm down as a wicked smile forms on my face, "This proves this 'God' is afraid of me. I have power that he's afraid of." I say laughing again, they all shoot me angry looks. I use my speed to kiss all my lovers on their cheeks, "Also, I'm happy that I get to spend all of eternity with my favorite people." I say with an innocent look in my eyes, all the girls develop blushes and smiles on their faces, with Alastor's smile getting wider. They all start to hug me, "You're still going to get ~punished for scaring us though~." Charlie whispered, "~I look forward to it.~" I whisper back, "~Hmm Kinky!~" Angel yells aloud, I push him off of me and start to laugh. "This is going to be the best eternity ever." I say with a smile.

*End of Chapter 20*
Thanks for reading! It was fun writing this for all you.    

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