Chapter 7

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Name: Goku Black
Question #1: How did you die? I was cut in half.
Question #2: Reason for being in Hell? "Ethnic" cleansing.
Final Question: Do you have any abilities? Ki manipulation, flight, super strength and speed, ability to transform, sense others power, etc.
As I wrote that last answer I got up and handed the sheet to Charlie. She looked it over and nodded her head, "Okay, that's all I need from you." she says as she gets up and heads behind a desk and grabs a key, "Your room is on floor 2, room number 255, I hope you enjoy your stay and redemption Black." she says happily causing my face to heat up again. "I'm glad she made me do that after I ate some of that, what was it called again, oh yes jambalaya." I thought as I headed to the elevator and pressed the floor I was staying on, I listened to the soothing music as I waited to arrive there. "I guess mortals can make good food and good music." I said to myself, smiling a bit, "But that doesn't mean I like them, my goal stays the same, eliminate every last one of them." the elevator dings and I step out, I was sort of tired and didn't want to walk, so I flew to my room. Once I arrived, I went inside, shut and locked the door, laid on my bed and quickly fell asleep.

Charlie POV:

I was looking over Black's sheet wondering what ethnic group he targeted and who he hated that much. I was so deep in thought that I didn't notice Vaggie standing right in front of me, "So, what did that creep do?" she says making me jump a bit, "Oh hey Vaggie, um he apparently did some ethnic cleansing." I explained, "Hmph, he seemed like a racist, I mean he calls himself black, but he's white, what's up with that? Anyway, how'd he die?", "Apparently he was cut in half, what an odd way to die." I say. "And what is he capable of?" I heard another voice say, I turned to see Alastor walking to towards us, much to Vaggie's dismay, "He list some of his powers as: Ki manipulation, flight, super strength and speed, the ability to transform and sense others power. But there seems to be much more that, I guess it would be too much to list because he just put etc." I say, "He does seem to be an odd fellow, maybe we should keep a close eye on him." Alastor says before walking away to do who knows what. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but I agree, I get a very dangerous vibe off him, even more than that strawberry pimp. We should be careful Charlie." Vaggie says in a worried tone, I look at her and sigh, "Okay Vaggie, I'll be cautious around him, but we still have to be nice. Now we should get to bed, we have to try and rehabilitate him tomorrow." we then get on the elevator and press our floor. "I'm going to rehabilitate the hell out of you Black, just you wait." I thought as I smiled to myself.
*End of Chapter 7*

*Heh bad joke, I know

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