Chapter 4

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It's been an hour since the turf war incident and Goku Black is wandering the streets of Hell thinking of how he's going to go back to the living world and complete his "Zero mortals plan".

Goku Black POV:

"I should at least be grateful my power and body have not changed when I arrived here." I thought as I was still walking on these horrible streets. I was about to just fly away when I heard something that caught my attention, "You see the news? It was hilarious!" one demon said, "Nah I was too busy fuckin' some broad, why what happened?" the other demon asked, "Okay so the 'princess' started a hotel to rehabilitate sinners to get them to Heaven, pretty stupid right, then she gets into a fist fight with Katie Killjoy, funniest stuff I've ever seen." I heard the first demon say, that peaked my interest because: 1. If I could get my hands on this princess I could use her to get to the ruler of this place and get out of here or 2. I don't like this but, get redeemed and find 'God' and take his place. I walk over to the creatures and they looked at me and smirked, "Hey there friend, you lost?" Demon 1 says while pulling out a knife, Demon 2 does the same as they approach me, "I don't have too much time to waste, so tell me what that hotel is called and I'll leave you pathetic mortals alone." I say unfazed by their threats. "Oh look we have somebody who actually wants to be redeemed, ha what a joke!" Demon 1 says as they laugh at me, Demon 2 lunges at me and I dodge impaling him with my energy sword killing him instantly, Demon 1's eyes widen as I use my overwhelming speed and strength to pin him to a wall, energy sword at his throat. "I'll ask one more time, what is the hotel called?" I say menacingly, "Okay, okay! Just please don't kill me! It's called the 'Happy Hotel'!" he says in tears, I put away my energy sword and threw him through a wall as I flew towards this "Happy Hotel".
*End of Chapter 4*    

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