Chapter 17

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Charlie POV:

"Nooooooo! Black!" I cried out when he got swallowed by the beam, it exploded on impact leaving nothing but rubble and no sign of Black anywhere. I was crying uncontrollably, I couldn't believe it, Black is dead and my father killed him. I saw him heavily breathing as he sat on the ground, with two overlords, Vox and Valentino, "It seems that this high profile fight is over, with our king as the winner." I heard a familiar voice say, I turned to see Katie Killjoy and her camera crew filming everything, "It seemed that man, who's name nobody knew has perished, serves him right for not staying in his lane." she said with a laugh which pissed me off, I stomped over there. Katie saw this and met me half way, "So, Charlotte, you seem to be very emotional right now, did you know that nobody?" she asked with a cheeky grin, I was about to say something when I heard Alastor's voice right behind me, "How dare you." he said, his radio effect and smile gone, "He wasn't a nobody, he was Goku Black! He was one of my greatest companions you whore!" he yelled, I was taken back by this, this is the first time I've seen Al like this, and it was terrifying. Katie looked angry, "The hell did you call me you bit-" she stopped as soon as she saw who she was talking to, and her face was full of terror, "Uh, this is a treat, it looks like we got the Radio demon himself joining us." she almost whispered, then her attention was pulled away by someone else, I looked at where she was looking to see my dad walking toward us, "King Lucifer, care to comment on the fight?" she asked enthusiastically, my dad just walked past her and went right up to me, "Charlotte? Are you okay?" he asked with a sincere voice, I glared at him, "No, I'm not, I just watched you kill one of my patients and friends." I said with venom in my voice. "Honey, I had too, he was dangerous, he could've killed me, any of us." he spoke as softly as possible, he put his hand on my shoulder, I pushed it off, "He wouldn't have done that, he changed, he was trying to get redeemed!" I yelled, making him scoff, "Again with this redemption nonsense, when are you going to grow up and stop with that BS. It's not going to work, not with him or anyone else, well especially not with him, since he's been annihilated." he said with a small laugh, which pissed me off, "Fuck you Dad!" I yell suddenly as he gave me a shocked expression, "Charlotte how-", "It's Charlie! Don't pretend you knew anything about him! You never knew what his personality was like, or who he truly was underneath his genocidal persona!" I yelled slowly turning into my demon form, "Restrain her!" I heard him yell as Val and Vox grabbed my arms, stopping me from lashing out. Dad walked to me with an angry look on his face, "You hurt me my daughter, I thought I raised you to be more respectful, now I'm going to have to punish you." he said, my eyes widened, his punishments were always the worst and very painful, he raised his hand, ready to backhand me when something weird started happening, heat started to fill the air, I know it's Hell and it's always hot, but it was a different heat, very powerful heat. We all turned back to identify the source, when the ground started shaking, Vox and Val let me go and I ran back to Vaggie and the others, I heard heavy breathing behind us and we saw Husk arriving out of breath, "I saw what happened and ran here as fast as I could, what the hell is happening?" he said looking at us, suddenly Alastor started laughing as his smile came back, "What's so funny Al?" Vaggie asked angrily, he didn't look at us and said, "A wonderful performance is about to take place." then a huge white light shot out of the rubble of Black's grave, we were all blinded for a second, then we saw a figure emerge from it, we all gasped, except for Alastor, and we all started crying tears of joy, even Husk when we saw who it was, it was Black.


I thought I was dead, but no, instead I'm alive, and feel different. I looked at my target, Lucifer, I saw the dread on his face and reveled in it, I focused solely on him, then in a blink of my eyes, my fist was in his stomach, I was surprised I moved that fast. I looked around to see everyone's shocked faces, my favorite one was Lucifer's face, I smiled and started my assault.

Lucifer POV:

"He's different, very different, he's faster, his eyes are silver and his aura is white, what the hell is he?"

Alastor POV:

Lucifer threw a punch and not on only did Black dodge, he also attacked with an uppercut sending him in the sky, he summoned his wings and started hovering in air, "Damn you! Just die already you sad excuse for a god!" he said gathering up energy from Valentino, Pentious machine and my rival Vox, he must of taken too much energy because, the machine exploded and the two men fainted. He started charging a beam, as for Black, he quickly moved onto the roof of the studio and started charging up his wave thing, "Ka...Me...Ha...Me." he started saying, "DIE!" Lucifer yelled firing his beam toward him, Black jumped towards the beam and they were heading straight into each other. "Black no!" Charlie yelled, "It's okay my dear," I say, "He wouldn't do that if he didn't know what he is doing." I reassure her, she looks at me then back at Black, "Get him Black." I hear her whisper and my smile widened. I watched closely at the climax of this battle, the beam and Black inched closer and closer, and when they were about to touch, he did something even I wasn't expecting, he quickly maneuvered a bit above the beam, and used his beam in his hand to slide on top of it upside down, causing everyone, including me, to gasp. The beam missed Black and hit the studio, destroying it, "What the fu-!?", "Ha!" Black cut him off by blasting him point blank, the fight was over, we all had to evacuate as Black's beam was heading straight toward the ground.

No one POV:

The explosion lasted a full minute and could be seen throughout the first ring of Hell, while it could be heard, even felt all throughout the rest of Hell. When it was over, Charlie ran in to see a large crater and inside the crater was her father, completely passed out, she looked for Black, but she couldn't find him on the ground, then she looked up to see him still in the air, but his aura was flashing, then it disappeared completely and he fell out of the sky. He was caught by some tentacles and brought down safely, everyone surrounded him, he was out cold, they decided to bring him to the hotel for some rest, while Channel 666 news stayed behind to report on the defeat of Lucifer.
*End of Chapter 17*   

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