Chapter 6

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"So what do you like to go by Goku or Black?" Charlie asked me, "Oh uh just Black is fine." I said to her, "Hey now I remember you, you're the John I tried to pick up earlier, also you helped me and Cherri fight." a familiar voice said. I turned around to see that spider harlot walking towards me, "And you're that spider woman who tried to seduce me." I say in a monotone voice "Angel Dust is a guy." I heard Vaggie say, "What? Really? Now I'm really glad I didn't get seduced by you." I say relieved. The spider made a hurt face and walked away, "Damn it why am I wasting my time with these other useless mortals, I should just grab the princess and hold her hostage." I thought to myself, but something inside me is telling me to wait and gain their trust before I attack. Suddenly a very good smell filled the air and I realized I hadn't eaten yet, so I followed the smell to the kitchen and saw a rather tall, well dressed man with red and black hair that looks like ears standing by a pot. He turns around with a huge smile plastered on his face, he walks over to me and takes my hand, "Names Alastor my friend, what's yours?" he asks with a radio-like voice, Charlie walks in, "Alastor this is Goku Black, a new patient at this hotel. Right?" she then looks at me with hope filled eyes. I sighed and said "Yes, I'm looking to be redeemed." Alastor's face then gives a surprised look, while Charlie squeals in excitement, "Oh that's great news, let's get you settled in then." she says happily as I follow her to the front counter, I see a cat drinking, what I presume to be alcohol. "Black this is our bartender, Husk. Husk this is our newest patient Goku Black." she says, the cat looks at me and says "Yeah, whatever.", I see Charlie's smile fade as I grow a little irritated, "This mortal, he's going to be the first I kill." I thought as Charlie walked away with me following her. We then walk over to a small child zooming cleaning things, "This is our maid, Niffty. Niffty this is Goku Black." Charlie says as the little speed demon stops and looks at me and gasp, "Oh finally a man is here, if there's anything you need just ask." she says almost seductively, I just pull a fake smile and say "I'll keep that in mind." and she continues cleaning. We then walk over to Vaggie and Angel Dust who are both sitting on the sofa, "As I'm sure you remember Vaggie, she's the manager of the hotel, and Angel is our first patient.", I look over to the two and say "It's a pleasure.", Vaggie rolled her eyes, while Angel says "~You give me pleasure~". I then look at Charlie who says "And finally I'm Charlie the owner of this hotel." my eyes widen in shock, "Wait if your the owner, then doesn't that mean your the princess of Hell?" I ask, she nods her head, "I've been with the princess this whole time, so that means I could just grab her right now and-" I thought to myself before another voice cuts in "Wait!", "Huh", "Why start with Hell when you could get redeemed, kill 'God' and then take over everything else.", "Yes, yes, that's a much better plan, soon the mortals will be no more and my plan will be complete". "Uh Black are you okay?" Charlie says snapping me out of my thoughts, "Huh? Oh yes I'm fine, where should I check in?" I ask with a smirk.
*End of Chapter 6* 

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