Chapter 14

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I woke up very late, at 2:30 this afternoon to be precise. Why? Because Niffty came into my room and kept me up all night, she really liked my performance, and it's at times like that, this saiyan stamina is a curse. I went to the lobby to see if everyone was awake too, I walked out of the elevator to an empty lobby, I felt something a bit off and I activated my energy sword. "Surprise!" I heard everyone say as they popped out of nowhere, I relaxed and deactivated my energy sword, and smiled as everyone surrounded me, "Black! You put on a splendid show last night, unfortunately you left before we could congratulate you." Alastor exclaimed, as he patted me on my shoulder, "Yeah, It was sexy." Angel Dust said as he started hanging off me, I quickly pulled him off as I saw Charlie, Vaggie, Niffty and someone new come up to me. I quickly recognize the woman as the one from the airship the day I first came to Hell, I think her name was Cherri, "Your voice had everyone captivated!" Charlie yelled with stars in her eyes, "I hate to admit it, but you sang really well." Vaggie said with a blush, then I felt two bumps on my back as I saw arms wrap around my shoulders, "I not a classy lady, but that performance made me a fan and it also made me wet." Cherri said causing a blush to spread on my face, Angel to laugh hysterically, and Niffty to give a very angry look at us. I didn't want this mortal hanging on to me anymore, so I gently pulled her off me and looked at everyone with a genuine smile on my face, "Thank you all so much. It means very much to me that you appreciated my performance. I have something very important to say to all of you." I say as tears began to form in my eyes, "No! NO! NO! WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING!? I CAN'T NO, NOT NOW! STOP!" I screamed at myself, but my mouth didn't listen, "I've been lying to all of you." I say tears streaming down my face. Everyone's looks of happiness turned into confusion, "I'll tell you all the truth, this body is not mine. Goku was the name of the person who used to own this body, my original name was Zamasu, I was next in line to become a Supreme Kai, a god who's job was to watch over all life in the universe. I was disgusted by the mortals, I thought they were all savages and deserved to be exterminated. I then devised a plan to do just that, rid the universe of the mortal scum, I met the original owner of this body when he visited the sacred land of the Kais in my universe. I learned that he had obtained godly powers and he was really strong, and I knew I had to steal his body to complete my plan." at this point everyone was paying close attention, "I learned about some magical, planet sized orbs called 'Super Dragon balls', after you collect 7 of them and speak the language of gods a huge dragon appears. He will grant any wish in the universe and I used that wish to switch bodies with Goku, and after it was done, I killed him and his family first. I was able to kill Gods and mortals, with the help of other me, who used the orbs to wish for immortality. We brought carnage all throughout the Earth, and we were so close to finishing the rest of the humans and starting our grand plan, the 'Zero Mortals plan', when Trunks, his father Vegeta and Goku, who came from the past, came to stop us. At the end we used potara," I pointed at the earring in my ear, "And fused together to become the ultimate, immortal being, unfortunately, we lost and we were cut in half, and I was sent here. I originally planned to kill all of you and find my way out of here to continue my Zero Mortals plan, but then I met you guys and something in me changed. I began to feel things I never have before, I started looking at you guys as friends, instead of useless, repulsing mortals. I don't know what to do anymore!" I finished and looked at all their faces. They all had mixed expressions, I ran out of the hotel and started flying towards somewhere secluded.
*End of Chapter 14* 

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