Chapter 10 (Lemon)

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I was in my bed, it's been a few hours since I let those mortals admire my divine power . I was thinking of Charlie's look on her face as she saw it, just imagining it brought me great pleasure, maybe a little too much pleasure as I feel my below area start to harden a bit. "This is bad, all the time I've been in Goku's body, not once did I feel any sexual stimulation. I don't know how to deal with this." I thought, suddenly I heard a knock on the door, followed by a voice, "Um, Mr.Black, I'm here to clean your room." I heard the voice say, I quickly cover up to hide my "problem" in my pants. "You may enter!" I yell, the door then opens and in comes the little cyclops, Niffty, she zooms in and starts cleaning rapidly, then she stops at the foot of my bed, her face becoming red. "Mr.Black, I have to clean your sheets too." she says taking off my blanket before I had time to react, my thing has gotten even harder and after the blanket was gone it was pretty much exposed, she stops and looks at it, then up at me, a devilish grin appearing on her face. "~Oh? Mr.Black I didn't know you were so dirty down there, why don't I clean that for you too?~" she says oddly, I felt my thing get even harder from her voice and I felt my face burn up, before I knew it, she was on top of me, "She's really fast. Wait! I should stop this, I don't want a mortal defiling my body!" I thought as I was about to get her off when she kisses me, I couldn't move, it was a really shallow kiss, until she reached hand down to my hard member. I yelped a bit allowing her to slip her tongue into my mouth, I gave in and our tongues wrestled for dominance, which I won of course and I started to explore every inch of her mouth, slowly loosing my mind to the pleasure. We separated to catch our breaths, slowly regaining my senses I say "Wait, no! This is wrong, you are but a child." she gives me an angry look, "I'm not a child, I'm just a small demon!" she yells pulling off my pants and underwear fully exposing my member, I was going to stop her this time, when she puts me in her mouth stopping me in my tracks. She somehow easily takes in my whole length, which surprised me, her mouth was really warm, I couldn't take it anymore and I released down her throat and she drank it all. She then stood over it and started taking off her dress and underwear exposing everything to me, I felt myself get even harder, "Damn this saiyan stamina!" I thought as she starts kissing me again, I wanted more than kissing, I had completely lost myself to carnal desire, I put my fingers down to her womanhood and started rubbing it. "Oh! I like that, keep going." she moaned, I went a bit faster, she was so wet that my finger accidentally slipped in, she gasped as a smile spread across my face as I put another one in and started pumping them in and out faster. I felt her insides tighten a lot, I pulled them out and she whined a bit, "Why? I was so close." she said, I then rolled on top of her gaining control, she had a sort of scared look on her face, which quickly turn to anticipation, I put my thing near her entrance and pushed in. Her eyes widened and she let out a loud moan, I started off slow, this was technically my first time and I wanted to savor it, she was warm and really tight, I then picked up the pace, enjoying her moans and cries of pleasure. After a while I was getting really close and I could tell she was too, "Black! I'm cum-mph!" I cut her off with a deep kiss as we cum at the same time, after a minute I pulled out and went into the bathroom. I went to the shower and got in feeling the water wash over me, "I can't believe I did that and with a mortal no-less!" I scolded myself mentally, remembering what just transpired, suddenly I felt a familiar presence wrap around my thing, I looked down to see Niffty licking and sucking me, she let me out of her mouth and smiled up at me, then she put her hands on the shower wall, her rear facing me, "I want to feel you in my other hole." she says. I was hard again and I couldn't hold myself back anymore as I start to put it in her other entrance, she started to tremble a bit, it was hard to put it in, but the water made it a bit easier. I finally managed to slip it in as she cries in pain and pleasure, it was a lot tighter than her other hole and I was enjoying it, I started thrusting, her cries turning into uncontrollable moaning, "Yes! Ruin me! Make me yours!" she started screaming, her words were really erotic and I started to get really close. I stopped and she turned her head, "No don't stop please." she begged, I leaned down and whispered, "You've been a really good girl, so here's your reward." I started to charge up and as I released I turned Rose to increase the pleasure and pressure of my release. I pulled out and laid on the floor, Niffty collapsed as I watched my seed leak out of her, then I got worried, she wasn't moving, "Maybe that was too much, I might've killed her." I thought as I crawled to her and turned her around, I put my ear to her mouth and was relieved when I heard her breathing, I then turned off the shower, dried her and myself off and laid her in my bed. I decided to sleep on the couch and let her have her rest, as I lay on the couch my mind begins to race, "Why did I do that? What if she wants more? What would my counter-part think?", a million thoughts filled my head, then they stopped when I heard her soft and gentle breathing, I begin to relax and drift off to sleep with only one question in mind, "What has Hell done to me?"
*End of Chapter 10*   

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