Chapter 13

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It's been 6 days since the announcement of the concert and I have finally found a song for me to sing. After a few hours of studying on this thing called the "internet" I found a few classy songs to sing. I picked my favorite and started practicing in private right away, everyone has already revealed their songs, Alastor picked about not setting the world on fire, Niffty chose a song about 69 rockets or something, Husk chose a song about drinking, Charlie's song was by a group of boys who live in a backstreet, Angel chose a song about milkshakes and Vaggie chose some song in another language. I had no idea what those songs were and I didn't bother looking any of them up, I was practicing like crazy, since there was less than a day left before the performance and I had to make sure I was perfect. I was also frustrated and a little relived because Niffty hasn't "serviced" me for these past 6 days, since she was busy cleaning and rehearsing. Finally the day had arrived and everyone was ready, and so was I. I had just got out of the elevator when Charlie called everyone into the lobby, she had a very happy look on her face as everyone gathered around, "Okay, this special day had just got better. I just got off the phone with my mother and she said that my father and her were coming to the event!" she yells, we all froze, "Wait, Charlie, your parents, the King and Queen of Hell, the most powerful demons of all, are coming to the hotel?" Vaggie asks with worry in her voice, "Yes that's why everything must be perfect, lets start decorating!" she says skipping away happily. "The rulers themselves are coming here? This should be fun." I thought as a evil smile spreads across my face as I go to help decorate.

Time skip:

We had everything set up and were waiting for the guests to arrive, everyone was dressed to impress, even Angel, but the one who really caught my eye was Charlie, she looked absolutely stunning in her dress. It only took a little more time before every seat in the house was filled, it was time to start the show. All the lights were cut as a spotlight, operated by Charlies goat creatures, shone on the beautiful woman a mic in hand, "Good evening and welcome to the Hazbin Hotel concert." she says as the people started to clap and cheer, "I would like to thank my parents who decided to make an appearance here tonight." a second spotlight shone on the King and Queen, who waved and smiled, "Without further ado, up first we have the radio demon, Alastor!" she announced as he walked on stage as the music starts playing.

Time skip:

After Charlie's brilliant performance, it was finally my turn, "Thank you, thank you, your all too kind." she says doing a curtsy, "It's time for the last performer tonight, he's new here in Hell, but he's really nice, ladies and gentlemen, Goku Black!" she exclaims as I walk onto the stage as people applaud me, she hands me the mic as the music starts, "I hope you like this song as much as I do!" I say as a wide smile appears on my face.

After I had finished the whole room was silent, everyone's mouth was agape. I looked at Niffty, Charlie and Vaggie, and saw that all their faces were red.

Niffty Thoughts:

"I'm going to milk him dry tonight."

Vaggie Thoughts:

"Why am I blushing? I don't fucking like him!"

Charlie Thoughts:

"What a beautiful voice, I'm glad I suggested the concert. "

Lucifer Thoughts:

"He's an interesting looking fellow, looks very human like, but I can tell that something sinister lurks beneath his surface, perhaps I should research him a little."

I smirk at this and say "I guess you all liked that huh? I guess I could satisfy you with one more song. Hit It!"

After I was finished with the song I bow as everyone in the room, including the King and Queen, stood up and started clapping and cheering, "Thank you all, and goodnight!" I yell as I put the microphone down and Instant Transmission to my room. I lay down and began to happily hum, amused by everyone's reactions. I begin to think about Lucifer, "He doesn't seem to possess any noticeable power, but he could be hiding it. I have a feeling that he and I will meet very soon."

*End of chapter 13*

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