Chapter 8

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"Master, I have a question." I say to Gowasu, he turns around, "What is it Zamasu?" he says, "When the God of Destruction was here earlier, I heard him say something about a form called 'Ultra-Instinct' what is that?" I ask. "Well, it's supposedly a state of being that all gods strive for, it allows the being to completely act without thinking, allowing their bodies to do the moving, without thoughts interfering. Only the Angels and the Grand Priest have it at their disposal, other than that, no god or mortal has ever gone close to obtaining it." he explained, "Thank you Master," I bow, "I look forward to learning more from you." suddenly everything goes black. I jolt awake looking around, the events of yesterday coming into my mind, I get up and look at the time, 8:30 a.m. "I'm up rather late. No matter, I should take a shower." I say going to the bathroom to take care of my needs.

Charlie POV:

Alastor is currently making us all breakfast, everyone is here except for Black, "He's probably still sleeping." I thought as I turn to talk to Vaggie. "I can't wait to start his rehabilitation." I say excitedly, Vaggie looks at me with a worried look, "Yeah, but how are we going to do it, hold like a therapy session or something?", just as I was about to answer I hear the elevator ding, I turn to the entrance of the kitchen to see Black walk in. "Good morning Black." I say as he turns to me, "Good morning Charlie and everyone else, it smells good in here." he says with a smile, he then takes a seat between Niffty and Husk. "Breakfast will be ready soon!" Alastor yells as the air gets filled with a delicious smell, I look to see Black drooling a bit, I chuckle at the cute sight, he then notices me laughing as he blushes and wipes his mouth.


"Why, why does she make me feel this way, I mean I feel this way with the other females, but with her it's the strongest. Whenever I see her smile, I want it to stay there forever, it makes me feel warm, and when I see her frown I want to kill whatever caused it. No, I hate mortals, I need to kill them all, that's the plan I always had and will always have!' I mentally yelled at myself as I cleaned the saliva off my face. Then the smiling one, Alastor, came in with plates of whatever he was cooking and set it in front of each of us, I think I know this dish, the mortals of Earth called this, pancakes. They looked and smelled delectable, I started eating and the taste only matched its appearance and aroma, this Alastor is a magnificent cook, I looked over to him to see he had a different dish, it looked like meat. After I finished, I stood up and did a little bow towards the man, as much as I despised it, I had to pay my respects, "That was truly an exemplary meal, you have my thanks Alastor." I looked up to see everyone staring at me with an odd look, Alastor chuckled "Well aren't you a gentleman, you are very welcome my friend." that last part made me a bit angry, "Me? A friend with a mortal? That's sickening, but, why do I feel a bit happy. I need to get out of here soon, I think Hell is turning me soft." I thought as I turned around to go and clean my dish, and mentally prepare myself for this rehabilitation process.
*End of Chapter 8*  

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