Chapter 19 (Lemon)

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*This might get a little confusing, but please stick with it.


For once in my life I was a little scared. Cherri walked up to me and started kissing me, and rubbing my private area, she then led me to the bed and pushed me down, "What in Xeno's name is going on?" I ask Cherri as she starts rubbing herself on me, "Well, the girls and I thought what you said to us was really sweet and we wanted to show you how much we appreciated it. Also, Niffty told us about your little 'secret' between the two of you, and we all wanted to be apart of it. Even Vaggie and Charlie wanted a piece of you, and they're lesbians!" she explains. "What is a 'lesbian' exactly? I've never heard of that before." I say, Charlie walks up to me with Vaggie, "Black, a lesbian is a woman who likes other women. Vaggie and I are together." she says, I think for a second, "Oh, I see." I say. Suddenly I felt something warm and wet, I look down to see Niffty and Cherri licking me at the same time, I let out a small moan and look at Vaggie, "I thought you hated me?" I say trying not to moan again, she starts blushing, "I do! I'm only here because Charlie talked me into it, that's all." she says. "Don't let her lie to you Black, she was really touched by your words too and we decided together to reward you." Charlie says coming closer to me, she then starts to kiss me, "Her lips are nice and soft, oh how I longed for this!" I thought as my hand starts wandering around her body, I grab her rear and she gasps, allowing me to slip my tongue in her mouth, I start to explore all of it when I felt my other hand touch something warm and wet, "Don't forget about about me." I heard Vaggie whisper. I stop kissing Charlie and look to see Vaggie sitting on my hand, before I could do anything to her, I climaxed on Cherri and Niffty's faces, but I was far from done, "I think all of you should be rewarded also." I say building up energy, "Ha!" I yell going in my Rose form, "Let the fun really begin." I say putting my fingers in Vaggie and Charlie making them moan, "Come here Niffty." I say as she crawls on top of me, I stick out my tongue and she sits on my face. "I'll just take a seat here then." Cherri says as she lets me inside her, "She's really tight." I thought as I continue to pump my fingers in and out of Charlie and Vaggie and using my tongue to please Niffty, Cherri begins hopping up and down, over and over again adding to the pleasure I'm feeling, suddenly, I felt Charlie's, Vaggie's and Cherri's insides tighten. After a few seconds, my hands, face and lower body got soaked, Charlie and Vaggie fell, while Niffty got off of me and laid down panting, Cherri just kept moving, screaming her lungs out, it was so erotic that it made me climax, hard. Cherri just stopped moving and fell back on me, "I guess she passed out." I say as I lift her off me and put her on the bed, she was twitching a bit, I got up and saw Vaggie gone, I look around to, only to find them on the floor. I saw Vaggie on top of Charlie kissing her as they grope each other, I walk over to them to "admire" the show, "I guess I can get use to the 'lesbian' thing." I say with a chuckle, they stop and look at me, "We got room for one more." Charlie says as she points to their lower halves, I quickly move over to them and position myself, "Charlie, you're first." I say as I put it in her, she starts moaning, but got cut off by Vaggie kissing her, I start thrusting slow to savor Charlie's warm and wet insides, as soon as I got use to it I start thrusting at incredible speeds, she was a red, moaning mess, Vaggie stopped kissing her to get some air, "Oh, Black, I'm going to cum!" Charlie yells. I pull out as she whines, "Why!?", I ignore her and put it inside Vaggie who gasps in surprise, I start to pound her furiously as she moans loudly, "Black, don't stop!" she yells, and I oblige. "Black! I'm going to Come!" She yells loudly, I stop and pull out, she starts wining like Charlie. I then put it in-between them and start thrusting rapidly, rubbing against the fast, they start moaning uncontrollably. After a minute we all reach our climaxes and I shot my seed all over them, they collapsed, exhausted. I moved away from them and leaned on the foot of my bed, my hair went back to normal as I closed my eyes, then I heard something move above me and come close, I look up to see Niffty smiling. "Don't forget about me." she said , then Cherri appeared behind her, "D-don't count me out yet." she said wearily, then Charlie and Vaggie start to stir, "We're far from done too" they say, "Oh boy, this is going to be a long night." I thought.


Cut to the hotel lobby, we see Alastor, Angel Dust and Husk at the bar, the hotel is shaking a bit as moans can be heard. Alastor having a very flustered face yells "How indecent!", while Husk having a smirk yells "Go get 'em Black!" and Angel Dust with a bit of a sad face says, "Satan, I wish that were me."

*End of Chapter 19*

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