Chapter 2

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GB's (Goku Black) POV:

I take off towards the object causing mayhem in the streets, when I finally arrive at it I see that the front window had been smashed and broken allowing me to see the operator of the machine. He seemed to be a well dressed snake creature with eyes all over his body, as well as a top hat with a face on it that seems to react and move, interesting. I see that he's glaring at a female with clothing too small for her, "Ugh how indecent, well what can I expect from mortals, they're so savage." I thought as I looked down to see an egg creature with the number 254 on it looking at me. "Uh Boss there is someone else here." he says getting the attention of both of the demons, as the woman turns around I see that she also has a single eye with an X as a pupil, I also see that she has her cleavage almost fully exposed, upon seeing that, my face began to heat up again like it did with that spider. "What is wrong with me?" I thought, there was a small silence until the snake spoke up, "Hey you! You better get out here unlesss you want to feel the wrath of Hellsss next ruler Sir Pentious!", I looked at the female who seemed to be looking at me up and down, licking her lips. I decided to fly in and land in front of them, "You mortals are so disrespectful, you should be bowing at my presence." I say, much to Pentious dismay, "Oh so you want to go then, well I'm happy to oblige!" he yells as his egg minions surround the woman and I, "Time to teach you a lesson." I say activating my energy sword.
*End of chapter 2* 

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