Chapter 16

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I was stunned when I heard him use my real name, I sigh, "So I guess Charlie told you everything about me huh?" I say sadly, "What? No. My daughter told me nothing about you, I am very knowledgeable about everyone down here. ", I look at him confused, "What could you possibly know about me?", "I know that you were some genocidal 'deity' back when you were alive Zamasu. Can I call you that? Anyway, I know what you're capable of and you pose a threat to me, so I came to kill you, since you're the half without immortality." he explains. "Is that so? And you came to do that by yourself, how foolish!" I say confidently, he scoffs, "Oh please, you think that I didn't have backup!" he yells as he smiles a smile to rival even Alastor's, suddenly the front door of the studios open and two demons step out, one that has a TV head, a weird hat and a suit, and another wearing a red coat with a fur collar, a nice hat with a white feather and some heart glasses. "Hey you, what the hell did you do to my roof?! Answer me you bastard." heart glasses yells, Lucifer turns around and heart glasses and TV head's faces went white, "Oh, my king, I didn't know it was you I apologize." he says as they both bow, "Don't worry about it Valentino, actually I'm glad your here, I could use some assistance from you and Vox." Lucifer says, they both get up and nod their heads, "What do you need help with?" the TV head, Vox I'm guessing, asks, Lucifer turns his back on them and stares directly at me, "I need some help killing this man, if we succeed I'll reward you both with anything you want." he offers, they look at each other, then at me and smile, "We accept." they say together and I started charging a kamehameha wave. "" I whisper, they shoot some looks of confusion at me, not noticing the ball of light between my hands, I then gave them a serious look as I shout "Ha!!!" then I shoot the beam right at them, they didn't have time to move as it hit them head on, "That was easy." I say turning around to see Alastor giving off an angry grin, I then sensed a powerful energy behind me, I turn around to see Lucifer and the others unharmed by my attack and Lucifer has changed, he has a broken halo over his head and several black wings on his back. "You're going all out all ready, fine with me! Bring it on!" I say as I fly towards him, he does the same and our fist hit each other , causing a shock wave throughout Hell, we seem even at first, then I start to let loose a bit and start sending coordinated hits toward him at high speeds, he defends himself and I start to hit harder and faster, I then knee him and he dropped his guard as I punched him into the ground. "It's over!" I yell as I charge him before he gets up, then I was stopped by a wire thing, it held me in place as Lucifer recovered, I tried to break it, but it wasn't budging, Lucifer appeared in front of me, "My turn." he said with a smile, he then started punching me, I couldn't block it since I was tied up. I started bleeding a bit after a few punches and I got really angry, "Enough!" I yelled as I went into my Rose form, which upon doing so freed me, I activated my energy sword and started my assault on Lucifer again, he dodged my attacks and I dodged his, I then used my instant transmission to catch him off guard and put energy spikes in his back, "Taste my blade!" and with that they exploded. He was on his knees, the attack was too much for him, I got closer and put my blade to his neck, "Die!", "Black no!" I turned to see Charlie, Vaggie, Angel, Niffty, Cherri and Alastor all looking at me, I lowered my guard for a second before receiving a punch that sent me flying, I looked to see Lucifer healed and his two lackeys standing beside him. I saw that Lucifer had an attack ready in his hands as the two others put their hands on his back, most likely transferring their energy to him. "I guess this is your trump card aye Lucy?" I ask him with a smirk, "Fine! I'll put everything I have into this attack and end you once and for all!" I continue charging a kamehameha wave, "Ka...Me...Ha...Me." I started, "Ha!" Lucifer and I shout at the same time launching our beams into each other, it was pretty powerful, I was surprised, but I wasn't going to give up, "Ha!" I yell charging up to the highest power I could do, I could feel them about to lose, until I felt something behind me, I looked to see a familiar airship. "It's about time Pentious, hurry we haven't got much time!" I heard Lucifer say, "Ha ha ha ha ha! I'm glad I can be of service Lucifer." I heard the snake say, the bottom of the airship opened to reveal a huge machine aiming right at me charging up, "Think this will stop me?! You must be really stupid Lucy!" I yell laughing a bit, then the machine opened fire and I took off one hand to shoot another beam at the machine and kept my other one focused on my other attack, I struggled with the second beam a bit, "Damn, I put too much power into my first beam, this won't be easy, but I can do it." I thought as I lost a bit of ground with my first beam. I then saw one of the snakes eggs step in front of me with a gun pointed at my leg, I smiled it, "Really? Your weapon won't harm me, so why bother?" I say to it, "Oh well, Boss said this is a new gun and to shoot you in the leg, so I'm here to do that." he said with a smile as he pulled the trigger, my smile quickly left my face as it didn't fire a bullet, but a very thin beam, and it went through my leg leaving a small hole in it. I staggered a bit, "Ahhhhh!" I screamed in pain he did it again with the same leg causing more pain, he then aimed for my other leg, "No!" I screamed, but it was too late as he shot my other leg and I screamed in more pain, I couldn't feel them anymore, I was bleeding too much, then he shot my shoulder of the arm holding my first beam, I pooled a little bit of Ki in my mouth and shot it at the egg, killing him. I held on for as long as I could, I saw everyone in front of me with tears in their eyes, I saw Alastor and Vaggie hold Charlie back as she tried to rush over to me, I saw Vaggie's face of sorrow, and Alastor wasn't smiling anymore, in fact he was crying, Niffty had broken down and was on her knees, while Cherri and Angel just looked on in horror, I was so focused on them that I didn't notice the Channel news 666 truck pull up with a full camera crew, even the woman Katie Killjoy was here, I guess narrating my imminent defeat. My arm was starting to give out and I knew that this was the end, so I decided to use telepathy to talk to them one final time, "Hey guys, it's me, Black. Listen I, I'm sorry, I wasn't strong enough to win this, I'm sorry you have to see me go out like this. I just wanted to let you know that you were the best mortals I ever had the chance of knowing, you all were the best things to come into my life, and just now am I beginning to see what Goku fought for, risked his life for, it was for his friends and family, people who were important to him. I know I'm fighting for myself right now, but if I made it out of this, I was going to come back to you, hug you and protect all of you with my life, or afterlife I guess. Before I die, again, I would like to say something to each and every one of you. First, Angel, you were the first demon I met down here and you're going to be the first I say goodbye to. You got on my nerves a lot with your constant sexual advancements towards me, but they always seemed to lighten up the mood and made me laugh on the inside, I was lucky to have you as a friend. Next, Vaggie, I know I wasn't nice to you and you weren't nice to me, but now I see why you are so protective, you really care about everyone deeply and you don't want to see them hurt, even if the opponent is stronger than you and could easily kill you, you still stand in their way and protect the ones you love and I love that about you, stay strong. Charlie, I know I'm confessing this at the worst time, but from the first time I met you, I've been madly in love and to be honest it was you who made me convince myself to be redeemed, everything about you made me happy, your smile, your touch, your voice and even your passion for the hotel, you changed me for the better and I owe everything to you. Niffty, dear sweet Niffty, you were my first and now my last, you're so energetic that it drives me insane, but it's also what I love about you, along with your obsession with cleanliness and how you are when we were making love, I hope you can move on. Alastor, where do I even start? I guess your most iconic feature, your smile, it always seemed to brighten my day, no matter how much sinister intent was behind it. You were the only one who wasn't afraid to show off your abilities and always took pride in them, heh you kind of reminded me of a certain saiyan at times, I hope that smile comes back soon, I mean after all, 'you're never fully dressed without one'. Cherri I barely know you, but the first time I fought along side you, I knew you were going to become a powerful demon one day, you're also pretty hot. There I said it you happy? Anyway, I would've looked forward to knowing you better, maybe train you a bit, it could've been fun. Finally, last but not least Husk*, I know your not here right now, or if your even sure of what's going on, but the long and short of it, I'm dying. Anyway, the first time we met you didn't leave a good impression on me, actually you were going to be the first demon I start to kill if things went bad for me, but it didn't and you and I got to talk more over a few bottles of whiskey. That was a really fun night, bad morning though, ha, I like to think of you as a drinking buddy, the first and only one I would ever have, but I'm glad it was you, pour one out for me would ya thanks." and with that final thought my arm gave out and I was hit with the beam, "Black!" I heard all of them say as I was trapped in the beam, I was crying so hard as I felt myself die, I decided to release all of my ki as a final hurrah. I let everything loose as everything started going black.
*End of Chapter 16*
*Husk was watching the news in the lobby also crying, awww.    

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