Chapter 11

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I woke up a little bit confused wondering why I was on the couch, then the events of last night hit me like a pointblank kamehameha, I was ashamed of myself, "Imbecile! How could I be seduced by a damned mortal!" I mentally scolded myself. I got up to see if Niffty was still in my bed, fortunately she was gone and in her place was a note, I picked it up and read it. "Hey honey, last night was really fun, even now as I write this my legs still feel like jelly. I hope we can do that again. See you around my love-Niffty." I put the note in the drawer and decided I needed some new clothes, since mine was covered in some juices. I looked in the wardrobe that was in the room and found a t-shirt, jeans, socks and some... underwear? I found another note and it said, "I noticed your clothes smelled a bit and was covered in our heh 'juices'. So, while you were sleeping I got your sizes and got you some new ones, I know you'll look good in them, anyway I'll see you. Love Niffty", I sighed and went to the bathroom to take another shower and get changed.

Niffty POV:

I was taking a break for a bit since my legs were still a bit sore, also I was a bit worried about Angel Dust, my thoughts bring me back to this morning.

*A few hours earlier*
I woke up before my love, Black, I noticed that his clothes smelled pretty bad and still had last nights 'fun' on it, so I decided that he needed new ones. I walked out the door and almost fell, but I got caught by someone, "Hey tiny, where have you been? You were gone all night?" I heard a familiar voice say, I looked up and saw Angel, who apparently is a guy from what Charlie told me, "I was uh taking a small break and I guess I fell asleep." I lied. He nodded as I started to wobble away and caught myself on the wall, "I know that walk anywhere. That's the walk of someone who got fucked senseless." I heard him say behind me, I sat down as he looked down at me, "So, who was it and was he good?" he asked, I was at a loss for words, "I don't know what you are talking about, I'm just a little out of it from just waking up. That's all." I lied again, he then smiled, "You can't fool a slut, plus I know that's not your room." he said in confidence, "Damn! He caught me, wait how does he know what room I stay in?" I thought, then brushed it off. "Fine! You got me. It was the new guy, Black. And. He. Was. Amazing!" I yelled softly, Angel was taken back a bit at the change of my tone, "Wow, I wish I was you, I wanted to sleep with him the first time I saw him, especially after he showed us that transformation. It made him look sexy. So, what did you two do? I'm eager to know." he said excitedly. I told him everything, what I did to him, what he did to me. After I was done I begged him not to tell anyone, "Don't worry babe, my mouth is sealed shut, that is until someone needs to use it. All I ask in return is for more stories of you and him." he says with a wink as he walks away leaving me alone in the hallway. I sit there and think, "More stories? Is this going to be more than a one time thing? He enjoyed it, and so did I, so maybe he would be up for it." I think for a while before returning to the task at hand, " I can worry about that later, I need to find him some new clothes."
*End of Chapter 11*

*AN- Hey Guys, I hoped you liked the last chapter, it was something new to try, and I hope I did well on it. 

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