Chapter 5

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After a few minutes of flying I saw the big Happy Hotel sign in the distance. As I got closer I noticed a familiar looking machine in front of the hotel. "Ugh not this mortal again, should've annihilated him when I had the chance." I said getting ready to charge a kamehameha wave when I notice the ship being surrounded by what seemed like tentacles. I sensed a faint bit of power from over by the hotel, so I decided to wait, and a few seconds later the ship was destroyed. I then started to make my way over to the hotel when I saw a bolt of lighting hit the sign and change into the "Hazbin Hotel", I also decided to make a great entrance.

Charlie POV:

After Alastor took care of the snake he offered to makes us all jambalaya, which sounded good right about now. When Vaggie and I were about to step inside the hotel a thunderstorm appeared out of nowhere, I sensed something very wrong and we turned around. We saw a twister come down and we saw a figure with red eyes appeared inside, Vaggie took out her spear ready to fight. Apparently everyone else came out to see what was happening, then as it appeared the storm and the twister were gone and there stood a familiar person. He was the guy in the turf war, he had an evil smile on his face as he looked at us, "Good evening mortals." he said and when his eyes met mine his smile disappeared, being replaced with a look of surprise as a blush crept across his face.


There was that feeling again, except it was stronger when I looked at this woman with white skin, red cheeks and beautiful eyes. "What am I thinking about, snap out of it Black. Remember why're here!" I mentally yelled at myself. I took a few steps toward them, when a spear was waved in my face by another female with a white dress and X patch covering her eye, "Who the fuck are you cabron!?" she yelled. "You're a brave one aren't you?" I said mockingly, "Vaggie stop!" the other one said, "But Charlie, he's dangerous!" the woman name Vaggie yelled to the beauty named Charlie. "Not this again, ugh I don't like this!" I yelled to myself again, Charlie walked toward us and I felt my body stiffen a bit, she then made Vaggie put the spear down as she looked at me and put out her hand, "Hi my name's Charlie, what's yours?" she asked. I took her hand, it was so soft, "Again? What's my problem?" I scolded myself mentally, "Uh, oh, the names Goku Black, nice to meet you Charlie" I said with a smile. "Goku Black, welcome to the Happy Hotel." she said happily.
*End of Chapter 5*

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