The New Day Of New Year

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After school holiday, you have been transfer to another class cuz your result at the last year are reaching to this precious class.....

In the morning, I can hear sound of bird, my heavy eyes need to raise to get me move... I brush my hair and tie them, after packing up my bag, I walk to the cafe and buy some coffee, I'm too lazy on making some breakfast at this earlier morning. Too sleepy. Bouhgt a cup of coffee and went out, suddenly... " Umm, excuse me" someone stops me.... I turn to him. "Your bag....". I nearly forgot my bag! Urgh, I'm too sleepy. Then I take it " Thanks" I said, "No problem" he replied... His voice is so charming and make me smile....

I never seen this beautiful smile, it make me feel calm. The wind have blowing us, this moment is really make me feel wants to know about her.... what is this? Is this call..... fallen love? It's too earlier


After that, I open my eyes and see he still standing in front of me, staring at me with that shining eyes.

You: Umm, are u okay?Taiga: Uh, y-yesYou: Really?Taiga: YesYou: Okay, nice to meet youTaiga: Yeah, nice to meet you too

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You: Umm, are u okay?
Taiga: Uh, y-yes
You: Really?
Taiga: Yes
You: Okay, nice to meet you
Taiga: Yeah, nice to meet you too

I walked away and turn around him, he didn't move, still standing at there.... does he know me? Why his face look so shocked? Is my face in something wrong? Why all this question come inside my head? He make me confuse.

>At the school

I walked to my class, suddenly someone holding my hand, I turn back.... and I saw... Zedday

You: Z-Zedday
Zedday: Why don't u see me?
You: Zedday please understand, were not a
         couple anymore...
Zedday: Why did u leave me?
You: I just.... I just don't want to mess you up
Zedday: You're never mess me up


You: Stop forcing me. I do this.... all because
          of us. If you love me please don't
         hurt her

I slowly walk away and never look back. I know that just a rumor. But I feel pity to Minata.... she really love him. And his mother hate me cuz I'm not come from a rich family, so she worried that I will wasting his money. It's better to let him go


Why did she do this to me. Minata is just like my sister, not more than that. Why don't she understand about my feeling. How can I forgot all our memory after 3 years. Everything is turn into a darkness, I really want her back. Slowly my tears fall....

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