We Have To Strong

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At my House

We both sit on the sofa and look at each other... I afraid that he get a misunderstand...

Taiga: Don't worry about me

He come and give a hug... hmmm he read my mind again... he know that I worried about him..

You: I just...
Taiga: It's okay... I know... And I never doubt you...

I glad that he believe me...

You: I think we need to be strong...
Taiga: Yeah... He looks like really want to get you
You: It never gonna happen..
Taiga: We have to walk together... and don't leave yourself alone... he still looking at you...
You: Yeah.. we must start it tomorrow....


At Genshi's House

Genshi: Hey did you meet (Y/N)?
Yamato: Yeah...
Genshi: Well you late buddy
Yamato: Late for what??
Genshi: She's already have a boyfriend..
Yamato: It just a beginning Genshi.. I still have a chance to get her back..

Genshi: Wait... what?? Are you gonna get her even she have someone else?
Yamato: Yes
Genshi: Forget about it... don't ruin them... there's another girl to pick up...
Yamato: You don't understand Genshi..
Genshi: Yeah I know she's special... but don't be dummy
Yamato: Whatever

Then I walk to my room....


What a weird man.. Woah I feel comfortable to this new home... it just like heaven.. no more noisy sound of car.... hmmm better make some dinner... after a few minute the dinner is ready... I call out his name

Genshi: Yamato !! The dinner is ready!!

Then he walk to the dining room... while eating... I feel curious about what would he plan... So I ask him...

Genshi: Yamato
Yamato: Hmmm
Genshi: So?
Yamato: What?
Genshi: What is your plan??

He look at me with his serious face.... I shouldn't ask about that...

Genshi: N-never mind.... forget about I say...
Yamato: I want to meet her tomorrow...

I thought that he would angry about my question.... he give me the answer instead...

Genshi: Where?
Yamato: At her house...
Genshi: What do you want to do?
Yamato: Something...

He smirked... oh no, (Y/N) is in danger... I better see her tomorrow to tell her about this...

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