I'm not a Pillow

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The train almost arrive to destination ... then I try to wake Taiga...

You: Hey... hey.. wake up....
Taiga: Mmmm
You: Wake up...
Taiga: Can you give me a chance to lean on you?
You: Our destination is almost there... you have to wake up...
Taiga: Mmmm

I sighed

You: I'm not your pillow... who do you think you are to make me like this?
Taiga: What am I to you?

He look at me with that eyes... it looks like he hope for something... we're staring each other... I don't know what to say... I want to say "friend" but my mouth can't moving... what's wrong with me?? Then the train stops, everyone is going out... but we still look at each other... then he stand up and walk to the outside... I chase him

You: Taiga....

He ignored me, I wonder why?.... then I run to him and grab his hand to stop him

You: Taiga.... what's wrong with you

My hand on his cheek.... He smiled and hold my hand...

Taiga: It's nothing...

And just walk away.... he turn back and said

Taiga: What are you waiting for?

He give a hand. I hold it... then walk together...

It's getting dark and the sunset is setting on the sky... Then the sadness start to covering me... suddenly Taiga grab my hand...

Taiga: I'm here now... don't feel that you are lonely

My eyes widened, how can he know that?? Well I think, this is the right time to tell him the truth.. I give him a smile and walk together...

You: Well... I have an ex - boyfriend... and we've been spend our love in 3 years... that was a beautiful memory, full sweetness and happiness...


I guess, she start to share her pain... maybe she have trust with me... I can see a tears drop to her cheek... I wipe it... then she take a pause...


You: I'm sorry, I can't hold my sadness...
Taiga: It's okay... It's okay... take it slowly... I'm here to listen you..

I take a deep breathe and continue

You: One day... his mother found out about us... she meet me at the cafe... she warn me to not get any closer and ask him for a break up...

Taiga: So? That's why you cried at the bridge?
You: Nope
Taiga: So? What happen?
You: I have a cousin.. he's name is Yamato... I thought he is the one that would listen to me, support me, protect me and ..... love me.. But I realize that he never love me before.. it is really make me disappointed...

He look down... his eye covered by hair...

Taiga: Are you.... still... love... him??

I look at him... and say

You: Since you're come to my life... I feel better than before... and I have to forget about them.. slowly... to be honest... I don't know why but I'm sure this is sound crazy to you

He look at me..

You: I don't know how can I feel your sadness when you give me that smile...

He's eyes widened...

You: And I'm wonder... how do you know I'm in the sad mood....

I turn to him and hold his hand...

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