The Beginning of Painfull

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We ran and finally reach to the roof... there's a wind blowing us. We sit together at the bench and he show his bento

Taiga: This is for us
You: Really, how did you know that I don't
bring my lunch?
Taiga: Cuz I'm always here for you

Everything is turn sparkly, I don't know why my heart is beating so fast when he give me that special smile...

Taiga: Why are you staring at me?
You: I love your eyes

I smiled with my eye closed... his eye widened and look at the side... then we start to eat...


I seat at the chair on the balcony...

Mom: What are you thinking my dearTakeshi: Nothing momMom: Don't lie on me

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Mom: What are you thinking my dear
Takeshi: Nothing mom
Mom: Don't lie on me... I can see you're
smiling by yourself
Takeshi: How did you know that??
Mom: I'm a mother.. don't you remember?

I smiled...

Mom: So tell me, what is on your mind
Takeshi: Mom what do you think about (Y/N)?
Mom: Why did you ask that?
Takeshi: I think, I'm falling for her

Mom start to change her face... If she doesn't like (Y/N)?

Mom: Do you know how young she is?
Takeshi: Yes I know
Mom: So
Takeshi: I know she still 16, but...
Mom: But she still a student... she is more
younger than you
Takeshi: Yes I know, but... it just a few years to
wait her
Mom: Wait. Takeshi you're 24 now... you
suppossed to married now. Listen, a few
years is her chance to get a boyfriend,
and you still want to wait her? Don't you
ever think about that??
Takeshi: She's not like that..
Mom: You have to listen to me... please pick
another girl that suitable with your age.
You have to understand, I do
this because of you
Takeshi: I wish you could understand me

I stand up and leaving with my car



The taste is so amazing....

You: Wow this is so delicious, your mother is
so talented

He take a pause... I look at him then he just continued...

Taiga: I'm making on this
You: What? You are making this food... wah,
I'm not even know that you can cook
Taiga: Hmmmm, we're still doesn't know
each other...would you like to da..

He take a pause, his eyes widened... I just look at him

Taiga: I mean, hang... out...
You: Hmmm... I agree but when we are going?
Taiga: Are you free at this Saturday??
You: Maybe, let me check my schedule

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