Start My Life With You

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Then it's time to sleep...

Morning 4:36 a.m

Taiga is waking me

Taiga: (Y/N)
You: Hmmmm??
Taiga: I have to go now to take my uniforms...
You: Ouh okay be careful...
Taiga: And.... wait me okay.... I want to walk together with you

I smiled

You: Okay...

Then he walk away and left... I look at my phone... it's still earlier... Let me sleep in one hour again....

Morning 6:35

I can see he come with a bag... then he put it in his room....

Taiga: So are you ready?
You: Yeah, have you take a breakfast?
Taiga: Yep.. how about you?
You: Me too
Taiga: So... let's go...

He grab my hand and walk together...

At The Bridge

Taiga: It's a beautiful view at here
You: Yes I always past at here... so I can get my mood
Taiga: Hmmm... good..
You: Yeah
Taiga: You know... The first time I have fallen love with you since we were met at the cafe

I giggled

You: Seriously??
Taiga: I'm serious... the way you look at me, the way you smiled, the way you talk... have make me want to get closer to you

You: Ouh... that's why you still standing at there even I have left you
Taiga: Yeah....

I laugh

You: I like the way you love me

He smiled and kiss my cheek

Taiga: Thanks for letting me to have you
You: Hahah... welcome

Then we both run to the classroom...

At The Classroom

We step in together and take ourself seat.... There are so many girls gossiping something... then I walk to Reika...

You: What are they talking about??
Reika: Hmmm... there are two transferred students .... one of them a senior and another one is our classmate...
You: Do you know who are they??
Reika: Hmmm... looks like you're interesting..
You: No I don't.... I just want to know...
Reika: I don't know who are they too..
You: Ouh okay

Then... Shikoto have come to our class... Reika look at him.. I can see that she's blushing... I smirked on her...

Shikoto: Reika..

He call her

You: Hey.. your prince charming is coming to you
Reika: I know... I know

Then she stand up and headed to Shikoto... Taiga is coming to my direction

Taiga: They look great
You: Yeah.. I can see her smile... I hope Shikoto won't hurt her
Taiga: Don't worry... I'm sure that he will take care of her


Shikoto: Are you free at this lunch time?
Reika: Yes... why do you ask??
Shikoto: Can you meet me at the cherry blossom tree at near of the canteen?
Reika: But everyone will know about us
Shikoto: Why you didn't want??
Reika: Are you okay about that??
Shikoto: Of course I do
Reika: And so me...

I smiled... he hold my hand and kiss it ...

Shikoto: Glad to hear that

I shocked... Oh my gosh.... did he just....

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