I'm Sorry

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After School

I'm walking with Reika... until we reach to the gate... We both saw Taiga... he turn me when he noticed....

Reika: Ummm.... he's waiting for you...
You: Huh?
Reika: See you tomorrow
You: Okay, bye

Then I move closer to him

You: So... what do you want to meet me...
Taiga: N- nothing...

I raise my eyebrow and walk away

You: Well, okay bye then....
Taiga: Wait

He grabbed my hand to stop me (Just like the photo) his eyes covered by hair... I turn to him

Taiga: I-... I'm sorry...

I raise my eyebrow...

You: Huh?
Taiga: I'm sorry, I was late to save you from them

I can see the depress on his face... I giggled

You: It's okay.... hey... don't blaming yourself.. this is not your false... those girls just get overacting...

Taiga: But... Is that true?
You: What?

He take a pause...

Taiga: Hamada... is he your.... boyfriend?
You: Did you hear that to?!

I sighed

You: Of course not... I don't like a popular guy... it makes me being hated by his harem... yes I know that he is cute, handsome and charm... but.. For your information... I'm not love someone with their looks... My love is only for those who are really sincerely

He look at me...

You: Why do you ask??

His eyes widened...

Taiga: I just- I just wanna know

I giggled

You: You always make me curious... I like it

I give him a smile... he frowned..

You: We gonna get going now.. It's getting dark
Taiga: Okay...

Then we walk together...


I've bumped with someone

Reika: Owww
Shikoto: I'm sorry... are you okay???

I look at up and I saw Shikoto... he take my hand to help me stand up

Shikoto: I'm sorryReika: No it's okay

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Shikoto: I'm sorry
Reika: No it's okay

Then I walk away... he stop and grab my hand... what's wrong with this guy

Shikoto: Wait
Reika: What?

He keep staring at me... I wonder why...

Shikoto: Are you... (Y/N)'s friend??
Reika: Yes... I am

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