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After School

It was rain.... and I didn't bring umbrella...

You: Reika... did you bring an umbrella??
Reika: Nope...
You: Well.... we have to wait the rain stop

We both go back to our class...

Taiga: (Y/N)

I turn to him

You: Yes?
Taiga: Let's go home
You: But, I can't let Reika alone
Reika: It's okay I'll be fine here
You: But..
Reika: It's okay... don't worry
You: Okay... bye...

Then I ran to Taiga... we share the umbrella... he hold my hand... and start walking...


I can't wait this rain stop... I have to move, it's getting dark... Urgh... I just walk in the rain... on the way, someone is in front of me... why I can't feel the raindrop... I look in front...

Reika: Sh-ShikotoShikoto: Sorry I'm lateReika: No it's okay

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Reika: Sh-Shikoto
Shikoto: Sorry I'm late
Reika: No it's okay...
Shikoto: You're cold right?
Reika: N-no I'm not

He touch my hand...

Shikoto: Let's go... you'll geting fever

He put his left hand around me and make me closer to him... Then we walk together...

In Front Of My House

We look at each other...

Shikoto: Your book are wet
Reika: It's okay... I'm gonna dry them later
Shikoto: Let me help you...
Reika: No.. it's okay, I can do it myself
Shikoto: Reika... please.. let me help you

Oh my god.... our scene is really looks like drama...

Reika: O-okay...

Then we go inside my house...

Reika: Take a sit, I want to take a shower...
Shikoto: Are you live alone?
Reika: Yeah, my parents is working at out of our country.. and I have to stay here... study here..
Shikoto: Ouh...
Reika: Wait here okay...
Shikoto: Okay

Then I walk to my room and take a shower.... a few minutes later I walk down the stairs... he stand up

Shikoto: Let's start to dry up your books
Reika: Okay

I take a fan and two hair dryer... we both work together.... I look at him... and smiled

Shikoto: Reika
Reika: Hmmm?
Shikoto: I love you

He smiled with me... I start to get blush...  he look at me and... kiss my cheek..

He giggled...

Shikoto: Just act like usual
Reika: Hahah... okay
Shikoto: Is Minata still bothering you?
Reika: Actually, she not even have time to bother me... cuz she have to keep watching on Zedday

Shikoto: She is crazy

I giggled

Reika: Yeah you right...

We both laugh...

Shikoto: Are you okay about us?
Reika: I never regret about us..
Shikoto: Well, I have heard that you ever crush on Hamada

Reika: It's an old story... honestly, yes... I really love him before, but he fallen love with (Y/N)... So I make a decide to forget about him cuz (Y/N) is more important for me...... don't worry he's nothing for me anymore...

Shikoto: Glad to hear that

After dried all the books... we finally got some rest... I think he is hungry... I have to make some food for us...

Reika: Ummm, wait here... I want to make a dumpling
Shikoto: Dumpling? Let me help you
Reika: You know how to make it?
Shikoto: Of course I am...
Reika: Well okay...

At The Kitchen

While I'm doing my work... he wipe me a flour

Reika: Hey

Then I look at the mirror

Shikoto: You look so funny
Reika: You... come here

Then I chase him... I wiped the flour on his face to... he run and get stuck... then I turn around... he quickly grab my hand... his hand wrapping me... we're really closer... we look at each other... Then I wiped them with my finger

 Then I wiped them with my finger

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He smile... he hold my hand and kiss it..

In A Few Momment

Finally, the dumpling is ready

Finally, the dumpling is ready

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Then we eat together....


Hmmm... looks like not be able to go to the market... it still rain... maybe tomorrow... I have to do my homework now...

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