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Three days was left... we were spend lot of time with grandma... this night is the last time we stay here... we gonna go back at tomorrow... I stand at the balcony and staring the moon... I look at my watch.. it was 12 o'clock... I sighed.. suddenly grandma... come to me

Grandma: Can't sleep??
You: Something like that
Grandma: What are you thinking on?
You: Nothing... I just... want to spend time at this night
Grandma: Hmmmm, I'm going to miss you
You: Me too grandma...

I look at her...

You: Grandma.. please take care of yourself..
Grandma: I'll be fine... don't worry
You: My heart looks like don't want to leave this place...

Grandma: I understand... it's okay... I'm never going anywhere.. I'm always here.. you can visit me anytime

I smiled to her... she look and me...

Grandma: (Y/N) dear
You: Yes?
Grandma: Do you have any boyfriend?
You: Why did you ask about that?

I giggled...

Grandma: I'm just asking
You: Well..... no... I... don't have any... boyfriend

Grandma: Why?
You: Maybe... I still didn't found them

She giggled

Grandma: I have remember about your grandfather... when he confess with me

You: Mmm sound interesting...
Grandma: Well... he said, that he was falling love with me since we met at the bridge...

I laugh

You: Aww so sweet
Grandma: He's so romantic you know... since there, he start keep on watching me until we get friend... then turn a close friend... and finally become a lover

You: How grandfather confess to you?
Grandma: Well I was... crying alone at the bridge... and he come to me...

I shock...

"Crying alone?? Bridge??" I whispered

You: Then what happen?

She take a pause...

Grandma: He kneeled down and said


Grandfather: You're not alone... I'm here with you...

Grandma: What are you doing here
Grandfather: To save you from sadness... to keep you feel better... to get you know that you're not alone and...

He take a pause...

Grandma: And what?
Grandfather: I want you to know... that I love you....

I really shocked about what he said.. he hold my hand and move closer..

Grandfather: I want you to be mine... and be yours... forever

My eyes widened...

Back to present

I really shock about grandma's situation... word says... "Crying alone", "Bridge", "I'm here"... are same with my situation.. they both start with being friend... then I ask her

You: Then, what is your answer??

She look at down and her eyes is tears droping..

Grandma: "I already... accept you as my lover"

I hug her tightly....

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