Miss me already??

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I can hear sound of the sea... I open my eyes... and stretch my body.. what a fresh day... I hope Takeshi will feeling better... What a beautiful morning... I walk at the bridge to take a look at the sea... well Chims is following me to.. haha.. then I carry her... suddenly, my phone is ringing... I put Chims down and sit down ... I open my phone

 I open my phone

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It was Taiga... hmmm why is he calling me?...
Then I pick up the call

You: Hello?
Taiga: Hello... good morning...

Then I take a walk at the beach... while talking to him...

You: Morning too.... where are you now??
Taiga: At the park...
You: Alone?
Taiga: Yeah... what about you?
You: I'm here.... at the beach with Chims

He giggled...

Taiga: She still around you
You: Yup... I really love her.. she always beside me...

Taiga: You said that you're at the beach.. can you take a picture and send it to me...
You: Why?
Taiga: ......
You: Did you miss me already?

He take a pause...

Taiga: Something like that...

I stop walking... we got silent... I want to make a joke.. but why am I feel it serious...

Taiga: (Y/N)? Are you there?
You: Huh? Y- yeah... I'm still here..
Taiga: It's okay if you don't want
You: No it's okay... wait a second... okay?
Taiga: Okay

Someone is walking...

You: Umm excuse me... can you take my picture for a while... just one picture

A girl: Ouh okay

Then she my picture...

You: Thank you so much
A girl: No problem

Then I send to him


She's so beautiful... I really miss her

 I really miss her

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