Calling Takeshi

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At Home~

I feel so tired, I have to take a shower right now... I put my bag near my table, take off my clothe and wearing a towel. Finally, I feel so fresh... but hungry... after finish the dinner I lay down on the bed... and finally remember about Takeshi. I should call him right now...I reach to my phone on the table and start to call him.... he pick it

You: Ummm.... Takeshi?
Takeshi: Yes.... I'm here...
You: Are you... okay?
Takeshi: Why do you asking me like that
You: Well I saw you driving so fast at the afternoon... is anything okay? Is your mother in emergency??

Takeshi: No
You: So what's wrong?
Takeshi: Why do you want to know?
You: I'm worried about you

He take a pause, what's wrong with him?

You: Takeshi, if you have a problem you can share it with me

Takeshi: I have no problem, I'm fine don't worry.... everything just fine. Trust me

You: Hmmm okay if you say so
Takeshi: By the way, how are you doing?
You: I'm fine
Takeshi: Good, is Yamato still with you
You: Y-Yamato?....
Takeshi: Yes, is he still at your house
You: Not of course... he not even have time to spend with us

Takeshi: Hmmm, I never get talk to him since I have graduated...

You: Nah me neither, he haven't seen me a few years since I was 12

Takeshi: Is it hard for him to spend time together with his cousins?

You: Actually, he so busy on study....
Takeshi: Which institute?
You: I don't know
Takeshi: Which country?
You: England
Takeshi: Hmmm he really want to get far from us

I giggled

You: Well, he do this for his future
Takeshi: Yeah you right... I agree... well I must get going... I'll call you later
You: Okay... be careful

Then everything turn into a silent.... I feel lonely and boring... I go to the living room and watch the TV...


At the classroom

I step into the class and I saw Reika... I ran to her..

You: Reika

She look at me

Reika: You don't have to shout my name

I laugh

You: Where have you been? Why don't you come to the school at the few days?
Reika: Well, I got fever
You: Why don't you call me or message?
Reika: I just don't want to mess you
You: Reika... we're friend remember? That's the friendship do...

She smiled

Reika: Urgh, you're too dramatic...

She teased me

You: Hahah

Then the Witches is coming... I mean...the... elite student.... well let's start call them the Witches. Well here we go... they look at our direction and start to gossip

Reika: Look at that bitch
You: Bitch? Aren't you said that you call them a witch?

Reika: Well this is their new version
You: Don't be too much... they will be get angrier if they heard this
Reika: Should I care?!

Her voice really loud, three of them look at us

Tanara: What's wrong Reika? Are you jealous with my beautiful face...

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