Start Knowing Each Other

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At The Train Station~

I look at my watch

"2:13 p.m"

Where is he?

Taiga: I'm here

I turn to him

You: I tought you were late
Taiga: Me too
You: So? Where are we going?
Taiga: Let's go to the Sakura Tree park
You: Yeah.. that's awesome.. let's go now

At The Sakura Tree Park

You: So let's knowing each other

His eyes widened

Taiga: S-sure
You: So tell me about your favorite food
Taiga: Ummm sushi of course
You: We're same
Taiga: Where are your parents... are you with them??

You: My parents has... passed away... since I was 9... in accident tragedy
Taiga: Ouh... I'm sorry
You: It's okay.. we want to know each other right? What about you?

Taiga: I have a step mother... my mother have passed away too
You: I'm sorry about that too
Taiga: It's okay.. do you have any family
You: I still have a grandma, aunty, uncle and cousins


Taiga: Good... I don't have any cousin cuz my father is the only son of my grand family

Then, I haven't see (Y/N)... where she go?

You: Hey Taiga... How do I look with this sakura

I turn to her... my eyes widened... wind blowing her

"You look so beautiful" I whispered

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"You look so beautiful" I whispered...


He staring at me... the wind blowing us... his hair covered his eye... he scrub them

He get blushed

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He get blushed... why?

You: Are you okay?

He take a pause again

You: Is my face isn't suitable with this sakura
Taiga: No... it's.... it's perfect
You: Hahah... thank you, I wonder why you get blush


She walk away... am I blushing... what's wrong with me? Then I chase her

You: So.... tell me all about you
Taiga: And you too

She giggle

You: Okay

After explaining our life we both sitting on the bench.... we saw an ice cream kiosk

Taiga: Which flavor do you like?
You: Why? Do you want to buy some for me?

Her eyes sparkling

Taiga: Yes of course
You: I want Strawberry
Taiga: Okay... wait here...

I bought a strawberry and chocolate ice cream... and I walk to her direction and give her the strawberry ice cream... she really love it.. I feel happy when I see her smile.... while talking about her own... there's an ice cream near of her mouth, I.... wipe it.... with my.... finger.... her eyes widened.... she stop talking... I look down.... she smile

You: Thanks

I smile... feeling better when she around me...


At The House

Zedday: I'm home
Mom: Where have you been??
Zedday: From the school field

I step to the stairs... mom look at me and said

Mom: Zedday come here... we need to talk
Zedday: Mom... I'm tired maybe next time
Mom: Zedday

She start making her face... with my tired body.. I walk to her and sit at the sofa

Zedday: So... what are you want to discuss?
Mom: About Minata

So this is her plan...

Zedday: What's wrong with her?
Mom: Can't you be kind of her?
Zedday: For what?
Mom: For what? Zedday she's really love you..
Can't you understand?

Zedday: But I don't... and I will never be her lover..
Mom: Why yo...
Zedday: We end our conversation... I'm tired now, I need a rest

I just leave and walk to my room..


We goes to the playground... he swing me...

You: Push me really hard... until I can touch the leaves at that tree

Then he swing me again...

You: More higher

He swing me really hard.... It's getting higher... I pick one of that leaves...

His eyes widened...

Taiga: (Y/N)!!

Then I stop...

Taiga: Don't do it again
You: Why?
Taiga: You may get injured

I giggled

You: Don't worry, I just want to pick one of that leaves for you...

Taiga: For me?
You: Yeah...
Taiga: For what?
You: No reason

I give him the leaf.... he staring it...

Taiga: Thanks
You: Hahah, it's just a leaf... don't be too serious

He smiled

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