Please Tell Me

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At The Park

We both walking together... and talk about anything.... until I ask him....

You: Taiga...
Taiga: Hmm?
You: Is anything happen to you??

He stop.. and look at me...

Taiga: What do you mean?
You: Well... you're acting weird...
Taiga: It's nothing...
You: Taiga...

I grab his hand...

You: Please.... tell me

He look at me and sighed...

Taiga: I was get fought with my father..

I look at his depress face...

You: Hey... I'm here with you... I'm sorry for not to be your side at that time
Taiga: No it's okay... don't blame yourself

We both staring each other... I don't know why I feel strange about us... He quickly hug me...

Taiga: You know... I was feel lonely without you...

You: T-Taiga..

He keep hug me tightly... then my hand behind him.... a few minutes as we still walk together...

Taiga: (Y/N)...
You: Yes??
Taiga: Do you love Takeshi?
You: Wait... how do you know about Takeshi?
Taiga: You're the one that I have to keep on so I have to get know you better

You: Ouh... Takeshi right? Takeshi.... he just a brother for me, not more than that...

He just keep walk

You: Why do you ask?
Taiga: Nothing I just....

He look at me

Taiga: I just want to know

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Taiga: I just want to know....
You: Ummm.... okay..
Taiga: Are you enjoying with Chims?
You: Yeah... my little friend... she so playful..

He giggled...

Taiga: She's being quite with me...
You: Really?
Taiga: Yeah..

We both laughed together... and sit at the bench...

Taiga: How's your grandma?
You: She's fine... I think she lonely now..
Taiga: Where is your grandfather?
You: He's already passed away..
Taiga: Ouh I'm sorry...
You: It's okay....

I look at the sky... and remember about grandma's love story...

You: You know, her love story is really beautiful
Taiga: What? Did she told you...
You: Yes.... she said.... they was start with being a friends... until be a lover...

Taiga: How can they confess?

I shocked... I turn to him... he keep looking at me... Should I tell this... cuz it's really same with our situation... wait... Why I supposed to worried about this...

You: Umm.... bridge...

We both staring each other....

Taiga: Bridge?
You: When grandma was.... crying alone... he come.... to her direction....

I look at him again... looks like we both understand that story really same like us...

You: And.... start to confess.... with my grandma...

He look into my eyes..

Taiga: It same like us

I shocked about his word...

You: W- what?
Taiga: Let's go home now... it's getting dark
You: O-okay...

He send me to my house...

Taiga: Bye.... see you tomorrow...
You: Okay... bye

He wave at me and walk away...

Night 8:56

I lay down on the bed...

"It same like us"

What did he mean "same" ?.... Urrghh he makes me curious.... hmmm tomorrow... our school open.. I have to go to the market at after school...

Morning 6:07

At The Classroom

I step into the class... I saw Reika was sleeping... she look tired...

what was she doing at all night

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what was she doing at all night... I put my bag on my seat and take a sit in front of Reika...

You: Hey wake up sleepy head..

I shake her

Reika: Mmmmm
You: Wake up... what are you doing all night?

Her phone vibrate for notification... I opened it... I look at the wallpaper

 I look at the wallpaper

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You: Wait is this... Sh...

She quickly grab her phone and hide it behind her

You: Is that Shikoto
Reika: Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh
You: What are you? When you get? OH MY GOSH!!

We take a silent...

You: Is he..... YOUR BOYFRIEND?

She get blushed... Hmmm it mean yes...

You: But... but... when..?
Reika: It's a long story
You: Then cut it...
Reika: Well it's begin from

Time lapse- explaining with me

You: Wwwoooooooooooooooowwww
Reika: Hey... please keep it secret okay...
You: But why??
Reika: We don't ready to get anyone else know yet
You: Hahah.... okay...

Taiga step into the class... he raise his hand with me... I do the same too... when I turn to Reika... she smirk...

You: Why are you looking me like that??
Reika: Nothing...
You: Hmmm

I lool at Taiga's direction and turn to her again...

You: You know... I feel awkward when I'm with him

Reika: Why do you need to be "awkward" ?
You: I don't know... day after day... I feel something

Reika: Something like what??
You: I don't know... never mind...
Reika: Hmmm

Then the teacher is coming....

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