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Morning 8:43

At school

Reika: I'm not even know that he comes to
You: Well, he is your destiny
Reika: You know.... he is so sweet... our moment just like drama
You: Drama.... drama.... and drama....

She giggled

You: I hope he the one will make you happy
Reika: I hope.... but.... what about about you??
You: Me??
Reika: Yeah... didn't you find another one?
You: I- I don't know...



Hmm she's going out now.... I walk to Taiga's chair...

Reika: Hey Taiga...
Taiga: Mmm
Reika: I got something to tell you
Taiga: Maybe next time

He stand up and want leave

Reika: It's about (Y/N)

He stop.... and turn back to his seat...

Taiga: What is it??
Reika: You know, she told me that she feel awkwardly with you...
Taiga: What it mean?
Reika: I'm not sure... but.... maybe she start feel you more than friend... but she still didn't realize it yet... she still confuse...

Taiga: What can I do now?
Reika: Don't ask me... I can only help you with that... if you really love her... you should make everything to make her love you by yourself

Taiga: But...
Reika: I have to go now.... Bye
Taiga: Hmmm

I walk to the fountain to see Shikoto.... and he was already there...


While walking alone..... I heard someone calling my name... I turn back.... it was Taiga.. he run to my direction...

You: Don't worry I'm in a good mood now
Taiga: But still to have someone... you can't be alone...
You: I'll be find don't worry...
Taiga: Okay

Then we walk together...

Taiga: Congratulation to your friend
You: Who? Reika? Why?
Taiga: Well she don't have to being single again
You: Hahahh.... she found her prince...
Taiga: And I hope you too

I stop and look at him... he raise his eyebrow..

You: Nothing

I look in front and saw Zedday...


Hmm... he start again... he come to (Y/N) and look at me

Zedday: It's okay... I allow you to be her boyfriend

He's acting kind in front of (Y/N).... She look at me and turn to Zedday

You: He didn't need your permission to be my boyfriend

My eyes widened... and look at her...

Then he just walk away... it must be embarrassing ...


I sighed... I turn to him... we're both staring each other... I- I didn't mean to... but why I have to regret it...??

Taiga: I-I think.... we should back to the class
You: Y-yeah

Then we headed to the classroom......


Mom: Takeshi!!

I turn to him

Mom: Where have you been?
Takeshi: To grandma's house
Mom: For what?
Takeshi: We just want to visit her..
Mom: We? With who??

I sighed

Takeshi: (Y/N)
Mom: A thousand time I've told you.. stop cl...
Takeshi: I have give you what you want!!! I have ruin it already!!! Are you satisfied!!! Stop mom... I'm tired...

Then I walk to my room...


After School

We both dismiss... I walk by myself... suddenly Zedday come to me

You: What do you want?!!
Zedday: Listen...
You: I'm tired to listen you... just leave me alone...
Zedday: No please

He grab my hand... I try to get off

You: Zedday!! Let me go!!!
Zedday: I won't let you go
You: Are you crazy!! How many time I've told you... WE ARE NOTHING!!!

Then he squeeze my hand and make me hurt.. Takeshi saw us... he directly stop ...

Takeshi: HEY!!! LET HER GO!!!

I look at his face...

You: Takeshi he...
Takeshi: (Y/N)!!! Get inside
You: Ta...
Takeshi: GET INSIDE!!!

He shout... I pull my hand and sit in the car...
He come to Zedday and slap his face...

Takeshi: Don't you ever get any closer to her...
Zedday: Who are you....??

Takeshi: I'm her.... brother...

I can see Zedday's eyes widened... then he leave and Takeshi sent me to my house


Minata: Did you got the picture...
Stranger: Which one do you rather?
Minata: Which one?
Stranger: I have two picture... first Zedday and a girl or Zedday with an another guy
Minata: Another guy? Hmmm, I don't need that... I only need Zedday with that girl picture.. send it to me now...
Stranger: Okay
Minata: Hahahaha... perfect


In front of my house

Takeshi: I'm sorry by shouting you
You: No it's okay
Takeshi: Okay... bye take care
You: Yeah... bye.. drive safely...

Night 8:43 p.m

I look at the kitchen... and there is nothing that I can cook... all of the food ingredient are finish... then I wear a home clothe and go to the market

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