I Have Something To Tell You

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At Gate School


Taiga's hand is around my shoulder... we walk together headed to our classroom.... I look at him.... he look at me too... I giggled... he frowned...

Taiga: Why are you giggling??
You: You look cute...

He smiled... I tap his nose and laughed together...

Taiga: Let's eat the lunch together..
You: Of course... but where?
Taiga: Did you still remember the place that you thought me spying on you??

I laughed...

You: On the roof top??
Taiga: Yes
You: Hahah... okay...

He rub my hair... he look my hair was tied up... he opened my ponytail... I stop...

You: Hey... why are you-...
Taiga: I didn't like it...
You: Why?
Taiga: Cuz it's not like you...

I smiled...

You: Next time... tell me the thing that you didn't like... okay?
Taiga: It's only this...

I look at him...

Taiga: You were perfect... but please don't tie up your hair... cuz I like the way it blowed by wind...

I smiled....

You: Okay....

I want to walk.. but he stop me by grabbing my hand...

Taiga: What about me?

I frowned...

Taiga: Is there anything that you didn't like?

I giggled...

You: I never complain about you... that's mean, you're perfect for me...

He smiled..

You: Let's go now... we'll be late...

At The Classroom

I saw Genshi is talking with Reika... their face look serious... then he look at me.. he raise his hand

Genshi: (Y/N)

I look at him... he want me to come to his direction... Then I walk to them with Taiga...

You: What's wrong??
Genshi: I want to tell you something...
Reika: And you have to always be careful
You: What? What's wrong??
Taiga: Yeah what's wrong?

He take a deep breathe

Genshi: Yamato is going to get you back...

I sighed

You: Actually... we're already know about that..
Reika: But not just that-..
Genshi: He's planing that he want to see you at your home...

My eyes widened...

You: How can you know?
Genshi: We're stay in a same home, of course..

Then I grab a chair and sit near them...

Reika: What you gonna do?
Taiga: Don't worry... I'm always with her now..
Genshi: But how can you always beside her when you're home

We look at each other...

You: He's staying at my... house now...

Their eyes widened...

Reika: Uuuu.... how sweet
Genshi: Well at least there someone will looking at you...
Taiga: Yeah...

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