#My Speech

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Is my story okay?? Please tell me if something wrong..... This is the sequence of my part

1. Intro of Character
2. A New Day of New Year
3. Uncomfortable Situation
4. "Why did he come here?"
5. Tissue again
6. The beginning of Painful
7. New character
8. Calling Takeshi
9. Start knowing Each Other
10. Walking With Reika
11. I'm not a Pillow
12. I'm sorry
13. #My Speech
14. Are You Okay
15. Long Distance
16. Grandma
17. Miss me Already??
18. Back to Home
19. Please Tell Me
20. Rain
21. Permission??
23. I Really Need You
24. #My Speech

I wrote this to get you all know.... I afraid if the parts not in the true sequence... (Y/N) and Taiga become a lover right? But it's still not end... there's another problem that they have to face.... wait for the next part okay...

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