Meet Yamato

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I take a deep breathe.... and look at Taiga... he smiled... I walk to his direction...

You: I'm... gonna meet him now...
Taiga: Yeah... take care... if he did anything to you... just say my name..

I smiled...

You: Okay...
Reika: Are you sure that you want to meet him?

You: Yeah
Genshi: Well... please take care
You: Okay..

Then I leave them and headed to Yamato's classroom... I saw everyone are leaving... only him in that class... I knock the door... and call his name..

You: Ummm... Yamato..?

He look at me.. and smiled

Yamato: (Y/N)...

I walk inside the classroom... and take a sit.. he move closer to me... and whispered "I miss you" I feel awkward.... I just turn around

Yamato: I'm sorry for always leaving you
You: It's okay... I know... that you're busy on study..

He look at me...

Yamato: Why are you changed?
You: Changed what??
Yamato: You... all of you..

I look at down...

Yamato: Actually, I've been love in you since we were childhood..

My eyes widened... and look at him... now I'm know why he always be my side when I was a little... but... why don't he tell the truth?

You: But... we're cousin... we can't cross the line
Yamato: Just because of that guy?

I shocked....

Yamato: I know that you love me before this... why are you easily throw that feeling?

You: It's not our fate...
Yamato: But we still can change it...

I stand up...

You: Listen here Yamato...I really don't want hurt your feeling.... but please understand that I already hav-...

Yamato: But we can be back together...
You: But you hurt me a lot!!!

He shocked...

You: You know that I was in love with you!! But you still didn't tell the truth!!

Yamato: I just... I just afraid that you'll reject me..

I shouted...

You: If you really love me... you'll confess to me at that time without any doubt... but you're not.. instead you just push me away and leave me without....

I sighed... I can see the tears on his eyes...

You: From now on... stop hoping on me and please.... leave us...

I take a step suddenly he grab my hand... he pulled me and hug me tightly...

Yamato: I've been keeping this all of years and you gonna tell me to leave all of that??

I try to get off...

You: Let me go!!!

He bite my neck and lick it... what is he doing it make me hurt... Then I shout...

You: TAIGA!!!

Yamato still biting my neck... suddenly I have someone running toward us... It was Taiga...

Taiga: LET HER GO!!!

He shout... he give a punch on Yamato's face... he finally get me off... Taiga pulled me closer to his chest... his hand on my cheek...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2021 ⏰

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