Walking with Reika

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We walk to the grocery shop.... to buy some item... it's really make me enjoy... I really glad to be have a cheerful friend like her .... and... helpful as.... Taiga... wait... why do I have to think about him this time... Jerk...

Reika: Hey (Y/N), I'm gonna go right there okay...
You: Okay...
Reika: If you lost just call me directly

She smirked..

You: I'm not a baby anymore
Reika: Hahaah.... well maybe...

Then I look at the stuff and... I turn around and I saw Zedday... and he notice me... we staring each other

You: What are you doing here??
Zedday: I was... I just

Minata: Zedday? Where are you

I heard Minata's voice... and she come to our direction... she shocked after see my face...

Minata: You!

She grab Zedday's hand and move her breasts closer... well she look like a little bitch...

Minata: Are you following us?
You: No... I'm just...
Minata: Don't you speak little rat!! Listen, you have to remind yourself to not get any closer to us... Don't you ever notice about you? You're nothing...

You: Well in fact... I still have a moral and value... not like you... always wearing a clothe that make you get attention!!

Then Reika came to my direction after heard my voice....

Reika: Hey hey, what's going on? What's going on?

She look at Minata and Zedday....

Reika: Did she say something to you? Huh?

I just keep my mouth... everyone turn into silence...

Reika: Hey you!!! She's not a girl like you... yeah we know that we are not rich as much as you.... unless we have a moral...

Minata: Uhhh... you should told your friend to not get closer to my sweetheart...

Reika laugh so hard to make her angry

Reika: Hey Zedday... she nicknamed you like a little dog... hahahaha

He just close his eye, he can't blame her... because this is all because of him...

Reika: Hey BITCH!!! You should tell your puppy to not follow (Y/N)!!! As you know, she never ever have a feeling anymore.. Do you think (Y/N) is same like you... selling your body to get attention?! Heh, there's a thousand man in the world to be a boyfriend... Is he an angel... go ahead.. stop study... just go marry him.... just lock him in your room.... and spend your time with doing a f****ing thing...

You: Reika... enough... enough
Reika: We should finish her

Then I slap Zedday face... he just allow me to do that.... he never complain about that

Reika: This is enough for you?!!

I told Minata... her eyes widened... she looks afraid....


I shouted.... they all shocked...

Reika: Damn it
You: Let's go

I grab Reika's hand and leave, I take a very long way until Reika get tired... we stoped at the bench.... I look at down

Reika: Are you okay??
You: I never do that with anyone... I really don't want to hurt anybody's hurt... it's hurt me a lot too...

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