"What is he doing here?"

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After School

Me and Reika still putting our item inside our bag... Taiga come to my direction...

Taiga: Have you done??
You: Yeah... but... I can't leave her alone...

I look at her... she smiled... suddenly we heard a footstep... Shikoto stop directly in front of our class...

Shikoto: Sorry I'm late...

He came to our direction... He look at Taiga... Taiga give a hand and make High five with Shikoto... I smiled...

Shikoto: Congratulation
Taiga: Hahah, you too

Then I look at Reika...

Reika: So you don't have to worried about me anymore

I smiled...

You: Even I have a boyfriend... you're still important to me...

She giggled...

Reika: Hmmmm... your dramatic mode activated again

She teased me... we both laugh

Taiga: So shall we??

I nod up and down... then we walk to the outside class... suddenly I saw Naiko standing at there....I wonder why... I walk to her direction

You: Naiko? What are you doing here?
Naiko: N-nothing... just waiting someone..
You: Uuuuu... is it your boyfriend??

Suddenly, she get blushed

Suddenly, she get blushed

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I giggled...

You: Okay okay... I understand..

Then we leave her... I opened my phone... and scroll my gallery... I don't know why... but I just want to... suddenly.. I've found me and Reika's picture playing together when we're still 12... I giggled and send it to her

 I giggled and send it to her

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Hey check this out🤣

Hahah🤣 Glad you're still
Have this! Thanks😘

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