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I feel someone calling me...

Takeshi: (Y/N).... (Y/N)....

I open my eyes....

You: Mmmm??
Takeshi: We're almost there...
You: Right....
Takeshi: You really beautiful when you sleep... you look same as Chims

He smiled... I giggled.... I open the window... I let my hand out to touch the wind... It's really feel like I was child again...

You: Glad there's nothing changed here...
Takeshi: Yeah... it's still like we were childish
You: I can't wait to see Grandma
Takeshi: Well just a few minute again we will attempt at there...

I smiled..... in fifteen minute we finally attempt at grandma's house... she heard the sound of our car... I saw her excitedly come outside... then the car stop...

You: Grandma!!

I run to her and give her a hug

Grandma: Oh dear we finally met...

Then Takeshi come over us... grandma hug him too....

Grandma: You both grew so fast...

We giggled...

Grandma: Let's go inside... I've make a delicious food for you...

You: Yay!! Let's go

Wait... I forgot about Chims... I called her name

You: Chims... Chims...

Suddenly it comes to me....

You: There you are... let's go inside...
Takeshi: You found it?
You: Found it...

Then we walk inside the house....


Hmmm... There's no more sadness yet... maybe she still okay right now... I sit at the park and look at the view...then look at down... in a few second... someone's in front of me.... I look up... and saw... a guy... who is this?...... and why did he looking me like that?

Zedday: Who are you?Taiga: Who are you too??Zedday: I saw you with (Y/N)

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Zedday: Who are you?
Taiga: Who are you too??
Zedday: I saw you with (Y/N).... what is your status of her...?
Taiga: And how do you know (Y/N)?

I stand up...

Zedday: I'm Zedday

Wait... Zedday?


"Well.... I have an ex- boyfriend"

"Her ex-boyfriend's name is Zedday... he actually still love in her...."

Back to present

Taiga: I'm Taig
Zedday: When did you start getting closer with her

Taiga: Since she was hurt by someone

He staring at me...

Zedday: I never hurt her
Taiga: Did I mention it about you?

He take a pause...

Zedday: I don't want her to get lonely, that's why I still want to get her back

Taiga: I don't want her to get hurt again, that's why I want to make her mine...

Zedday: Ouh... so we're rival??
Taiga: Loving (Y/N) is not a competition...
Zedday: Whatever you say... but I'm gonna get her back...
Taiga: Well you'll make it worst... trust me... it will hurt her a lot
Zedday: I don't care what you gonna say... I just want to warn you that I'm gonna have her back
Taiga: Don't be to confident

He giggled and just walk away... I don't care if (Y/N) wanna get back with him but... I'm afraid she will be hurt again... I have to save her from him....


7:18 p.m

I stand on the balcony... Chims is following me everywhere I go... I keep it on my arm.... Takeshi comes to me...

Takeshi: What are you thinking young lady?
You: Nothing.... just enjoying the fresh air...
Takeshi: I really miss our cousin....
You: Me too..
Takeshi: Did you still remember... we're playing the Cinderella... and you are the princess

You: And you're the prince charming

We both laugh... grandma.. is sneaking us

Takeshi: Who is your step mother??
You: It was Genshi... but I only have one stepsister.. Yamato.... but he looks not cheerful at the time...

Takeshi: And grandma is your fairy-godmother
You: Hahah... she still strong to playing with us...

Takeshi: Well.... (Y/N)... I wish I could turn back time
You: Why do you wanna do that?
Takeshi: I want to save your parents... honestly.. I can feel hurt at the time you cry when you found out about the accident...

You: Well... it's.... it's okay... yes it hurt me a lot.... day after day... it's faded... I think I have to move on... and I don't want to let them down.. I believe  they're really hoping that I can faced the world... I have to be more strong..

Takeshi: You're so strong...

I look at him

Takeshi: You're the one I've ever met that have a strong heart
You: Not only me... maybe someone else to.. but you still didn't found them

He look at down...

You: Takeshi?
Takeshi: Hmm?
You: Why didn't married yet?

He take a pause... his face look depress

Takeshi: The time is not ready yet
You: Why? You didn't have a girlfriend? Or someone you love?

He look at me... with that sad eyes...

Takeshi: I already have love someone... but she still didn't know...

You: Why don't you tell her the truth??
Takeshi: If I tell her the truth.... we won't be together...
You: Why?
Takeshi: Cuz.... my mother... didn't like her..

I shocked.... our situation are same.... and it may be hurt a lot... I hold his hand... he look at me...

You: I know how pain it is... we're same...

He look at down and hug me... tightly... Hmmm.... now I know, this is the reason why he didn't look cheerful...

Takeshi: I really love her, (Y/N) ... I really want to live with her... spend all of my life with her..
make her feel happiness

I just keep hug him... my hands behind him... this is the first time I saw him cry a lot... it make me sad too... cuz we have a same situation....

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