Chapter 15

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"This is JJ." JJ said, answering her phone. 

"JJ, this is Sergeant Galloway." she said. 

"Ma'am, please tell me you have something." JJ said. 

"We do have traffic cameras that have everything that happened. As for the license plate, we are still trying to get a more clear video of that." she said. 

"Okay. I do want to inform you that I have invited the BAU here. Before you say anything, the only reason I did so want because Emily told me to. She used 'Blackbird' which is the word she calls me if she is in danger. Then she said to call my team. I knew with her using 'Blackbird' she didn't mean you guys, no offense. I knew she meant my old team from the BAU." JJ explained. 

"Okay. Do you know if they are on their way?" Sergeant Galloway asked. 

"They should almost be here by now. The jet left about three hours ago, so I would say anytime now." JJ answered. 

"Okay. I will let you know when they get here." Sergeant Galloway told her. 

"Do you want me to come in?" JJ asked her. 

"I will have you come in to answer any questions they may have for you. But, I don't want you on this case as you are too close to it. If you need it, I will have a few of our officers outside your house for security and protection." she said. 

"Okay. That may help me a little bit." JJ said. She knew that arguing wouldn't get her anywhere. Plus she knew that she was too close to the case, and it would be best if she stayed away from it. JJ impatiently waited for the phone call from her sergeant. She didn't know what to do, so she just paced around the room. After what felt like an eternity later, she finally received the phone call she waited for. She got into her car and drove to the station. She basically ran in and went to the second floor. Almost instantly she was greeted with a hug from Garcia as she walked through the second floor doors. 

"Oh my blue eyed beautiful friend, I'm so sorry about what has happened to Emily! We are going to do our absolute best to get her back!" Garcia said. 

"I know you guys will." JJ said with a semi fake smile. 

"This isn't how I was imagining us seeing you again." Hotch said to her. 

"Yeah I wasn't it imagining it this way either." JJ said. Hotch had Derek take her into one of the empty rooms and ask her questions about what had happened. Derek also asked if he knew anything about Ian, which JJ didn't other than him being an ex-boyfriend. Garcia was at work on her multiple laptops to find everything out about Emily and Ian. 

"Hotch, you're going to want to take a look at this." Garcia said once she found something interesting out about Emily. Once Hotch saw what Garcia found, he didn't have any words. He went into the room JJ and Derek were in and spoke with JJ. 

"Did you have any idea that Emily had gone by Lauren Reynolds when she was a senior in college?" he asked her. 

"What? Why did she do that?" JJ asked, having absolutely no idea as to why Emily would do that. 

"Ian, he's a very dangerous person. After Emily had Declan at 15 and leaving him, he ended up becoming very violent. Not towards Declan, but towards other people. He had so much hatred for Emily for what she did. He got together some people, and they began hunting other people that weren't paying what they needed to. Most people they killed owed thousands of dollars. Well, Ian ended up finding Emily while she was a senior in college. In fact, one of his guys actually found her, but she was able to escape luckily. She created an alias of Lauren Reynolds and went by that her last year of college. No one questioned it. She even changed her appearance. Ian himself is actually on the most wanted list. He's very, very, very dangerous, JJ." Hotch explained. 

"So he's basically an assassin that is very mad at my girlfriend? Well that's just great. I should just start planning her funeral. We're probably going to find her with a stake in her or something like that." JJ said, freaking out. 

"Don't think like that. We are going to find her alive." Hotch said. 

"You don't know that! You said it yourself that he has a lot of hatred for Emily and is very dangerous. He's even on the most wanted list!" JJ said, freaking out even more. 

"Okay. But, you know us and know that we won't stop looking for her until we find her alive. We will work all day and night to find her." Hotch said. JJ was crying at this point, and Derek gave her a hug. He didn't know of any other way he could console her. 

"I think you should get home and get some rest." Hotch told JJ. 

"Actually my shift starts in about an hour. I have to go home and get dressed and get Nala. I will be back." JJ said. She left and got ready for work. Nala and Sergio both knew something was wrong. Nala was whining, and Sergio kept meowing non-stop. "I know babies. Hopefully we will find her soon." JJ said to them. JJ couldn't leave Sergio home alone, so she put his harness and leash on and walked them both out to her car after she was done getting ready. After returning to the station, JJ took Sergio to Garcia to have her cat sit. 

"I just want you to know that if he needs to use the potty, he is potty trained outside as well as litter trained. He will sit at the door and stare you down. If you don't notice him he will meow to get your attention." JJ told her. 

"Okay. Please be careful out there." Garcia told her. 

"I will." JJ said. Just as she was about to walk out, Garcia stopped her again. 

"I thought you worked day shift?" 

"I work day shift one week and night shift the next." JJ answered. 

"Gotcha. It's weird seeing you in a police uniform instead of business casual." Garcia said. 

"It's definitely different." JJ said with a little laugh. 

"Well please be careful. We will do our best to find her." Garcia said. JJ nodded her head and walked over to her desk. She could barely focus on the paperwork she still had left from the previous day. 

About 20 minutes into her shift and trying to do her paperwork, JJ got a call to go to a house where drugs were suspected to be made and sold from. She gave Nala her 'go time' look and grabbed her leash. They went down to her squad car and went to the address. Nala led her and a few officers to where the drugs were being made. After finding those, Nala went up the basement stairs and to another room. There was drugs in the drawer, under the bed, just everywhere in the room. The last room that there was drugs had pictures hanging on the wall. Pictures of JJ, JJ and Emily together, Emily. Some were from before they moved to Dallas. 


Hey guys! Here's another update for you! I hope you like this chapter!

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