Chapter 39

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"Declan, it's 6:30! You don't want to miss your first day!" Emily said, knocking on Declan's door. 

"I'm up!" he said. 

"Okay. What do you want for breakfast?" Emily asked him through the door since it wasn't opened yet. 

"Just some eggs, waffles, bacon, and, oh! One of those smoothie bowls JJ makes!" Declan said. 

"Okay. I'll holler for you when it's done if you aren't downstairs yet." Emily said. Emily went downstairs and began making the breakfast Declan had requested. Emily was grateful that he chose waffles instead of pancakes because she thought waffles were superior and overall tasted better.  After Emily had gotten the waffles made and the bacon put in the oven, she went to her and JJ's room to wake up JJ since she didn't know how she made her smoothie bowls.

"Baby, I need you to wake up." Emily said, shaking her a little bit. JJ just groaned and rolled onto her other side. "Babes, please. Declan requested your smoothie bowls for breakfast, and I don't know how to make them." Emily said. 

"It's too early. Just five more minutes." JJ complained. Emily did the only thing she knew how to do to wake up JJ. She kissed her and waited for JJ to respond, which didn't take very long. 

"Please daddy?" Emily asked with a puppy dog eyes. 

"I suggest you stop calling me that unless you want me to rip those clothes off right now." JJ groaned. Emily could see JJ's eye dilate a lot. 

"Fine. But I expect to be punished to the fullest extent and to not be able to walk for a month." Emily whispered in JJ's ear and walked away. JJ was left flustered, and she hated being left flustered. Emily knew that, but then she remembered that Emily likes it rough and likes being punished. 

"Oh the things you do to me, Emily Prentiss." JJ said out loud. JJ got out of bed and went downstairs to help out Emily in the kitchen. JJ decided to make her favorite smoothie bowl, the pumpkin spice one. While she was doing that, Emily started making the breakfast and put on the coffee. Emily could hear Daviana start crying through the baby monitor. She put the spatula down, and as she was about to go upstairs to her room, she could hear Declan shout that he's got it. Emily was about to tell JJ something, but she stopped as soon as she heard Declan talking. 

"Ew! Oh my gosh, Davi! How can you even produce so much liquid poop?! Okay, okay. There has to be a nose plug around here somewhere. Oh! Here's a bag clip. This will work. Okay, now where was I? Right, changing you. Wait, I need gloves. Surely there's some. Here's a medical kit. This should have- yep. Here's some gloves! Okay. Now I'm ready. Do I have everything? New diaper, wipes, butt cream. Okay I'm good. Now please sit still." 

"She must've had her first blowout." Emily said, laughing along with JJ who was also tuning in. 

"Okay Davi. I've used six wipes, and there's still some. Please next time try not to poop so much. These things are expensive. Okay. Now that's done. Now I have to apply the butt cream. Oh! I forgot about the lotion. Okay, now let's get you changed. This should work! Aw it says 'Little Sister'! You know, we may be 15 years apart, and I have no idea what you say, but you're the best little sister ever. I can talk to you about anything, and you wouldn't tell a soul about it. I'm going to protect you from every monster there is out there. Just like momma! That's how her and mom met, you know. Momma was being a super hero, and after she caught the bad guy she saved mom's life after meeting at the rodeo. They're the best moms there are, and I'm so grateful they've let me stay with them. Anyway, I'm going to be like your bodyguard. No dating until after you're married, which won't be until at least 50. No boys, or girls I guess if that's who you will choose to date. But none of each. No random meet ups with anyone. Seriously." 

His voice began getting faint, so they figured he was walking out. JJ was crying because he referred to her as 'momma'. "I can't believe he thinks of me as a mom!" JJ said excitedly. 

"Hey, are you okay?" Declan asked JJ after he noticed her crying. 

"Yeah. I'm just really emotional right now." JJ said with a smile. 

"Oh. It doesn't have to do with your period does it? Because I can hurry up and run down to the gas station and get you some chocolate or food. I've heard that it helps." Declan offered. 

"No, no. That's not for another couple of weeks. But thanks for the offer. It's just something I saw on the internet about a puppy." JJ said, heart warmed by Declan's offer . 

"Gotcha. Is this plate for me?" he asked. Emily nodded, and so they began to eat after their plates and bowls had food on them. Emily also fed Daviana while they ate so that way she was full by the time they left to take Declan to school. 

"Okay, are you fully dressed, showered, and prepared for the day?" Emily asked Declan. 

"Yes. I have my supplies, book bag, duffel bag for soccer, gym bag, and my brain to learn." Declan replied. 

"Good. I think all of us are ready, so let's roll out!" Emily said. They all gathered in JJ's Durango since her car was the biggest. JJ turned on her GPS and drove to the school. Declan was very nervous, but JJ and Emily weren't worried. They knew he would make friends easily and that he wouldn't have a problem fitting in. They just weren't ready for him to leave for school. 

"Bye bud!" JJ said. 

"Bye peanut! We'll miss you!" Emily said. 

"Bye moms! Bye Davi! I'll miss you guys too." he said, getting out of the car. JJ was in her emotions again. 

"Maybe I should've taken him up on that offer." JJ said, wiping away her tears. Emily chuckled. 

"Come on. Let's go to the nearest gas station, and I'll give you some money to get you whatever you want." Emily said. 

"Really?!" JJ asked excitedly. Emily nodded her head. 

"Yes. Now let's go." Emily said. 

"Well, shit. Don't have to tell me twice." JJ said and drove to the nearest gas station. Emily handed her $15, and so JJ went inside. She got a pint of Ben and Jerry's ice cream, a King size dark chocolate and mint Kit Kat, a monster Slim Jim, a big bag of Cheeto's, and a water. She went back to the car and was instantly happy. 

"Are you good now?" Emily asked. JJ nodded her head and drove back to their house. Since Daviana fell asleep on the way back, Emily decided to put her down in her crib. 

"Since it's November, can I finally watch Hallmark?" JJ asked Emily. 

"I guess." Emily said, giving into JJ. 

"Yay!" JJ said. She bear hugged Emily and kissed her. "You're the bestest almost wifey ever." JJ said and sat down on the couch. Emily sat next to her along with Nala and Sergio. JJ turned on the Hallmark channel and covered up with blankets. She then snuggled up to Emily, Nala moved over to JJ's lap, and Sergio moved to the back of the couch. Emily laid down, bringing JJ with her, and they eventually fell asleep just like that. 


Hey guys! This chapter kind of sucks. But I hope you like it!

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