Chapter 2

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After the rodeo was over, the detective asked to team to go to the bar with him before they left, and they all agreed to it. "What if your lover is there?" Derek asked JJ with a smirk. JJ rolled her eyes.

"She's not my lover. For the last time, I'm not gay. Plus I just got out of a relationship." JJ said.

"Alright. If you say so." he said. They all walked into the bar, but it was packed. There were people playing pool, drinking, dancing, and smoking. They all got lucky and found a table that could sit all of them. "I'm gonna go get a drink!" Derek shouted over the music. Penelope and Hotch followed him as Rossi, Blake, and Reid all went out to the dance floor leaving detective Wagner and JJ. 

"So, I overheard you say that you broke up with your boyfriend." Wagner said. 

"Yep." JJ said, looking down at her hands. 

"Are you looking for a relationship?" he asked her. 

"Nope." JJ said. "I'm going to get me something to drink." JJ said and quickly got up. She went over to the bar and sat down. 

"What can I get for you?" he asked. 

"I'll take four shots of vodka and two shots of tequila." JJ said. 

"Damn. Rough night?" he asked. 

"More like I just broke up with my boyfriend a few hours ago, and this guy is already trying to get me to date him." JJ answered. 

"Ah. Gotcha. Well in that case, I'm going to throw in a Cosmopolitan on the house." the bartender said. 

"Thanks. You're the best." JJ said. The guy made her shots and gave them to her before making her cocktail. As JJ was halfway with her shots, the bartender sat her Cosmopolitan in front of her. 

"Can I get a Sex on the Beach please?" JJ heard a woman say next to her. She looked over and saw the bull rider. She couldn't remember her name though. "Long day?" she heard her ask. JJ looked at her again and nodded her head. "I could tell." she said. 

"You're that bull rider aren't you?" JJ asked. She chuckled.

"I am. Do you remember my name?" she asked. 

"Erica?" JJ asked. She shook her head. "Eden?" 

"Nope. One more shot." she said. 


"Nope. My name is Emily Prentiss." she said, chuckling a little bit. "What's your name?" 

"Jennifer Jareau, but you can call me JJ." JJ said. 

"Okay, JJ, mind telling me what happened today that made it a bad day?" Emily asked. 

"Oh, you know, just breaking up with my boyfriend. Then a few hours later this other guys tries to get me to date him even though I just meet him a couple days ago." JJ said. 

"Wow. This is why I don't date guys." Emily said. "Though, I guess, girls can be the same way, but girls are just so much better." 

"I did not expect you to be a lesbian." JJ said. 

"Really?" Emily asked. The bartender set Emily's drink on the table, and so she started to drink it. 

"Nope." JJ said. 

"Wow. I just automatically assumed that everyone thought I was a lesbian. Considering how I dress, my job, you know, things like that." Emily said. 

"You just didn't give me that vibe. When you're done with that, why don't you dance with me?" JJ asked. Emily gave her a weird look. "Not like that. Just as friends." JJ said. 

"Okay. But I'm challenging you to the git up." Emily said. 

"What's the git up?" JJ asked. 

"It's a dance. Come on. Let's go to the dance floor." Emily said. They got up and went over to the dance floor, but Emily walked over to the machine and chose the song. She walked over back to JJ and showed her how to do it quickly. But, JJ didn't really catch on since she went over it too fast. So, JJ just watched Emily do it. After it was over, a slow song came on. Emily was hesitant to ask, but she built up the courage to do it. "May I have this dance?" 

"Sure." JJ said, taking Emily's hand. Emily pulled JJ close to her, and they began to slow dance. 

"You have really gorgeous eyes." Emily whispered, looking deep into JJ's eyes. 

"Are you flirting with me?" JJ asked. 

"Not necessarily. I can just appreciate a beautiful woman when I see one." Emily said. JJ looked down and started blushing. She looked back up at Emily and said, 

"Well you're beautiful too." The two didn't speak for the rest of the song. They just danced. After the song was over, they went back over to the bar and talked for the rest of the night. 

"Jayje, it's time to head back." Spencer said. JJ nodded her head and looked back at Emily. 

"Well, I guess this is goodbye." JJ said. 

"Yeah. Look, if you ever just want to talk, then call or text me." Emily said, writing her number on the back of JJ's hand. 

"I will." JJ said and hugged Emily before going to where the rest of the team was. They all were looking at her with a smirk. "What?" JJ asked. 

"Oh you know what. So did you get her number?" Derek asked. 

"As a matter of fact I did. But we're just friends." JJ said. 

"You keep telling yourself that." Garcia said. JJ playfully rolled her eyes before they headed out the SUV's. They drove back to Quantico, and everyone had to do their paperwork before they went home. JJ was a little distracted because she kept thinking of Emily. Not about dating her, but about her gorgeousness. She kept looking at the back of her hand and decided that she would text her in the morning. 


Hey guys! I FINALLY updated for you! It's not my best chapter, but I hope you like it!

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