Chapter 21

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The drive to Boston was a long one. JJ had to stop about every two to three hours to allow Nala to use the bathroom. Since she was still a little used to staying up for long hours, she drove the entire way without sleep. She just kept getting coffee. Of course, she would relieve her bladder after Nala went. The trip, in total, took nearly 28 hours. It was only supposed to be a 26 hour drive, but since she made a lot of stops, it pushed it back about two hours. But JJ was relieved when she got to Boston. She was a lot closer to Emily. When she arrived at the hospital, she grabbed Nala's leash, and they went inside. "I'm here to see Emily Prentiss." JJ said to the receptionist. 

"Are you family or a significant other?" she asked. 

"I'm her girlfriend." JJ said. 

"Okay. She's in room 3428 B. If you take the elevators to your right, you'll press the '3' button and take a left. The room will be the third room on the right." she said. JJ thanked her and went the directions she gave her. JJ prepared herself before she walked in. Emily was hooked up to a couple of machines as well as an IV. 

"Emily." JJ whispered. Emily looked over towards her and smiled. 

"Hey baby." she said hoarsely. JJ teared up and gave her a hug. That's when she started to full on cry. "It's okay." Emily said, rubbing ehr back the best she could. JJ kissed her on the lips as if her life depended on it. She would've never pulled away, but air was very important. 

"How come you never told me about Ian?" JJ asked. 

"I didn't think he would come back for me. It's been a long time since I even though about him." Emily explained. 

"I'm just glad you're okay." JJ said. Emily scooted over to give room for JJ, and JJ laid down right beside her. "I don't want this to ever happen again." JJ said. 

"I hope it doesn't." Emily said. "Are you okay? You have a few cuts on your face." Emily asked. 

"I'm fine. Just got ambushed by a bomb. Nala and I weren't inside. We just got outside before it blew. However, bomb squad lost a few people." JJ explained. 

"Oh my gosh, babe! I'm so sorry." Emily said. 

"It was a very depressing day. I actually just got out of the hospital like two days ago." JJ said with a slight chuckle. 

"Baby, why did you come all the way here? You need to rest!" Emily scolded her. 

"You're more important to me right now. I just want to be in your arms and not have to worry about you because I know you're okay." JJ said. That melted Emily's heart and made her fall even more in love with JJ. 

"What did I ever do to deserve you?" Emily asked, tears threatening to fall. 

"By being yourself. Now shut up and kiss me." JJ said. Emily said, the two made out for a little but before they needed air. 

"Um, I'm sorry. Should I come back another time?" a nurse walked in asking. 

"No, no. It's okay." Emily said. "Nurse Talia, this is my girlfriend JJ and her partner in crime Nala. They just got here like 10 minutes ago." Emily said, introducing them. 

"Nice to meet you." JJ said. 

"You as well. Emily, are you ready to take a walk around the square?" she asked. Emily nodded, and JJ took that as her cue to get up. Emily stepped out with the nurse, and JJ sat there in the silence waiting what felt like forever for Emily to get back. She didn't like it one bit, so she was very thankful when she did come back. 

"Awww!" the nurse said when she walked in. That was because Nala was curled up on the window sill seat. "She must be tired from the drive." she said. 

"Yeah. We stopped every two to three hours so we could use the bathroom." JJ explained. 

"How long of a drive was it for you?" she asked. 

"28 hours in total roughly." JJ said. 

"Oh wow. That's quite the drive for you." she said. 

"Yeah. It was a very last minute decision to come here because I didn't know she was alive until yesterday. As soon as I heard, I was in my car and on my way." JJ said. 

"Wow. Well I'm glad that you can be here." she said. 

"Me too." JJ said. 

"Emily, if you need anything or if anything starts to hurt, just press the button, and I'll be in okay?" she asked. Emily nodded her head, and so the nurse walked out. 

"So Hotch tells me that you're not very happy with them?" Emily asked. 

"Not really." JJ said. 

"Care to explain?" Emily asked. 

"Hotch didn't allow me to come to Boston with them. He said that I was needed in Dallas. Even my Sergeant agreed with him. I almost hopped on a place here instead of staying, but I didn't. If I did, Nala and I wouldn't have been near an explosion, and if I would've figured it out sooner or if they figured it out sooner, then you wouldn't have almost died. Nala and I wouldn't have almost died. I blamed them and myself because we didn't figure it out fast enough. I blame them because they didn't get to you fast enough." JJ explained. 

"Babe, I understand your frustration with them, but it's not their fault nor your fault. You guys figured it out, and they found me. That's all that matters." Emily said. 

"I get that. But, I just don't think that I will be able to forgive them for what happened to you. At least not yet." JJ said. 

Emily was released from the hospital a week later, and JJ was so happy that she was finally able to bring Emily home. After signing the papers, Talia wheeled Emily out to the discharge side of the hospital. "JJ, this isn't you car." Emily said, looking at the Durango. 

"I just got it about a week ago." JJ said. Emily nodded and slowly got into the passenger side. JJ let Nala in the back and got in the driver's side. "Are you ready?" JJ asked. 

"Aye aye captain." Emily said. JJ chuckled and drove away. Since JJ still had a week's worth of vacation left that her Sergeant granted her after the explosion, her and Emily decided to explore each state they passed through. When they got to Virginia, JJ took a detour to Fairfax. "What are we doing here? You know this isn't a city that we're passing through, right?" Emily asked. 

"I know." JJ simply said. 

"So what are we doing here?" Emily asked. 

"I just wanted to visit the town where our story starts. This is the town we met in." JJ said. JJ smiled, and that caused Emily to smile. JJ knew Emily liked to learn about history, so she decided to go to Ox Hill Battlefield Park that was in Fairfax. Emily absolutely loved it, and JJ thought she was just the cutest when she was learning the history of it. Just as they were about to leave, JJ decided to say something that threw Emily off guard. 

"Marry me." Emily looked at her shocked. 

"W-what?" Emily asked. 

"Marry me. The events that happened with you and me made me realize that we never know when our last day with each other will be. I know we haven't been together that long, but I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. You are my world; the love of my life. You're my soulmate, and I don't want to wait any longer to spend the rest of my life with you. So Emily, will you marry me?" JJ asked. Emily didn't respond for a few seconds as she was processing everything. But then she got tears in her eyes, and eventually she said, 

"Yes. Yes! A million times yes!" JJ smiled the biggest smile and kissed her passionately. "And here I though I was going to be the one asking you." Emily said. That caused JJ to laugh a little bit. Nala didn't know what was going on, but she saw Emily and JJ happy, so she started to jump and wag her tail. 


Hey guys! They're getting married! I hope you like this chapter!

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