Chapter 18

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At 5:30 in the morning, JJ receives a call from Hotch saying that they had Will in custody. Even though JJ didn't get a sufficient amount of sleep, she got out of bed and rushed to the police station. "Where is he?" JJ asked in an angry tone. 

"He's in questioning right now. He isn't talking." Hotch told her. 

"I need to speak with him." JJ said. 

"I'm afraid I can't let you do that. You're too close to this, and it involved you. I'm sorry JJ." Hotch said. 

"But Hotch-"

"I said no, and that's my final answer."  he said and walked away. JJ stood there in the middle of the room with tears in her eyes. 

"Hey it will be okay. They're going to get answers for you." officer Baker said. 

"I know. I just want to get them myself." JJ said. 

"Did you know him?" she asked. 

"Yeah. I had dated him awhile back. I met him when we were on a case in New Orleans. He was the detective there. We dated for about a year before I broke it off. He kept trying to get me to move down there, but I refused because at the time my life was in Quantico. I asked him to move to D.C., but he didn't want to give up his job." JJ explained. 

"But he expected you to give up yours?" officer Baker asked. 

"Yup." JJ said. 

"Wow. What a jerk." she said. 

"Mhm. He also left me alone after having sex because he said that he had to get food before he forgot." 

"You should've broke it off with him right then and there." 

"I should've, but I didn't. I thought I loved him. Then I met Emily." JJ said. 

"How did you meet her?" officer Baker asked. 

"There was a night in Fairfax, VA that had a rodeo going on. The creepy detective asked us if we wanted to go. We agreed, and so we did. I wasn't really into until they announced Emily's name, and then I was intrigued. After she did her ride, we made eye contact, and she winked at me. I didn't think that I was into girls then, so I just brushed it off and went about my day. After the rodeo we went to a bar, and that's when we officially met. We talked a little at the bar, and then we danced. I realized just how beautiful she was, but I still wanted to believe that I was straight." JJ answered. 

"Aw! Well I hope you guys find whoever took her." officer Baker said. 

"Thanks Brooklyn. I hope so too." JJ said. She sees Derek walking towards her, noticing him eyeing Brooklyn. 

"Who was that and when can I get her number?" he asked. 

"Brooklyn, and whenever you ask her." JJ said with a chuckle. 

"Man she's gorgeous." he said, staring off into space. 

"Is there a reason you walked over to me?" she asked, bringing him out of his trance. 

"Oh, right. Will has asked to speak to you." he said. He didn't need to say more. JJ walked past Derek and to the interrogation room. 

"Please be wise with your words." Hotch told her. 

"I know, I've done this a million times Hotch." JJ said. 

"But they weren't personal for you." he said before opening the door. JJ walked in with a blank face. 

"And there's my beautiful snowflake. It's about time you show up." he said. JJ just wanted to smack him upside the head with a baseball bat. 

"So why did you decide to move to Texas?" JJ asked. 

"Oh please. You think I was just going to let you run off with your girlfriend to a different state? I asked you a million times to move to New Orleans, but you refused because your life was in Quantico and couldn't just leave your job. But she asks you to move with her, and you drop everything and do it." he said. 

"It's because she's my world, and where she goes I go. I actually love her." JJ said. 

"What your didn't love me?" he asked. 

"You loved yourself and every other girl beside me. So no. I didn't love you. Now why were you stalking us?" she asked. 

"Because I wanted to." he said. 

"Mhm. And who is your accomplice?" she asked. 

"None of your business." he told her. 

"Actually it is." JJ said. 

"You think it's going to be that easy? Well it's not. I'm done talking." he said. 

"Not even a goodbye?" JJ asked. Will looked at her with a smug look, knowing that it would irk her. JJ walked out more angry than she was before. 

"He knows something we don't." Hotch said. 

"Yeah, obviously. What made you say that?" JJ asked sarcastically. 

"I don't need your sass right now, JJ. Now either you help us, or you can go home." Hotch told her sternly. 

"How can I help you when I am no longer an agent?! I don't know any more than you do, so what's the point in me being here?! Why did you even call me in?" JJ asked, raising her voice. 

"I called you because you have the right to know that we caught Will. Now don't raise your voice at me officer." Hotch told her. 

"Yeah, you have Will. But unless you have Emily, I don't want anymore calls from you." JJ said. She walked away with tears threatening to fall. Officers on duty were staring at them. JJ rolled her eyes and walked out. She decided that she would go for a walk before the sun came up because why not? She thought about everything including before she met Emily. She thought back to when Emily was kidnapped by Ian. She thought that something felt very familiar to her about him. Yes, she knew he was on the 'Most Wanted' list. But there was just something that was bothering her. She had Garcia send over the security footage to her so she could see Emily and what she was buying. Garcia did so, and JJ started analyze the footage. She thought that it was strange that after picking up all food items she gets red socks. She starts going over everything in her head until she connects everything. Just as she was about to call Garcia, Derek calls her. 

"We think we may have found Emily. We got a call saying that someone saw what looked like Emily in Boston. We are headed over there now." Derek said. 

"I'm coming with you guys." JJ said. 

"No you're not. I know you just want her back, but you have a job to do here. Stay back, and we will handle it." he said. JJ hung up and ran to her and Emily's house. She decided that she was going to go to the gym to blow off a lot of steam and to keep her mind off of Emily for a little bit. She just wanted to be in Emily's arms.


Hey guys! Yay they found Emily! Now they just need to get her back. Who do you think the mystery girl is? We still don't know! I hope you like this chapter!

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