Chapter 19

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"Serg, I need to go to Boston." JJ said to her sergeant. 

"I'm afraid I can't let you do that." she said. 

"Why not?" JJ asked. 

"You are apart of my department. I understand that you want to get Emily and catch Ian, but you are no longer apart of the BAU. You have work to do here. They will get her." she said. JJ sighed and walked out. She went over to her desk and pet Nala. She tried to do her paperwork, but she could barely concentrate. 

"Either you're really concentrating on what to write for your paperwork, or you're just really slow at typing because you've been on the same one for the past half hour." Brooklyn said to JJ. 

"Huh? Oh. I just can't concentrate because I'm too busy thinking about Emily's case." JJ said. 

"I figured. Have you asked Serg to let you go to Boston with the BAU?" she asked JJ. 

"Yeah, but she said I couldn't since I work here now and not there." JJ answered. 

"That really sucks. I wish she would let you go. I mean, this is your soulmate we're talking about." Brooklyn said. 

"I know. Hey are you single?" JJ asked, changing the subject. 

"JJ, I'm flattered, but-"

"I'm asking for Derek. You're beautiful, but I already found my person." JJ said with a little chuckle. 

"Derek, as in the chocolate goodness that you used to work with?" Brooklyn asked. 

"Yes, that one. He wanted your number, but I know he won't ask." JJ said. 

"Oh. Well give this to him." Brooklyn said, handing JJ a piece of paper that had her number on it with a heart beside her name. 

"I'm sure this will make his day." JJ said with a little chuckle. "What is with you guys liking people from my former team?" JJ asked, rhetorically. 

"Wait, who else likes who?" Brooklyn asked. 

"Matt likes Spence." JJ said. 

"Matt, as in Matt Kasey?" she asked. JJ nodded her head. "I wonder why he never told me he was gay. I guess it all makes sense." Brooklyn said, thinking out loud. 

"What do you mean?" JJ asked. 

"Well, I tried setting him up with one of my best friends, but he kept saying that he wasn't interested and that he wasn't looking for anyone." Brooklyn explained. 

"Oh, yeah I-"

"K9 unit and signal 61 needed at 1334 Henderson Ave for a code 19." dispatch said. 

"500 code 10." JJ said and grabbed Nala's leash. They ran out to the patrol car and headed to the destination with lights and sirens on. When she arrived, she saw the police officers that were already there standing outside. 

"What's going on?" JJ asked. 

"We were doing a routine traffic stop, and the person had questionable items in their car. When asked about it, he said that he had created a bomb and planted it here. That's when we called it in." the officer said. 

"Okay. Bomb squad should be here any minute, so I'm going to wait for them." JJ said. 

"500 check up." 

"Code 3." JJ said. 

"That's clear. 751 check up."

"Code 3." the officer said. 

"Clear 18:46." dispatch said. Just seconds later the bomb squad shows up. 

"Are you ready?" one of the guys asked JJ. JJ nodded and tugged on Nala's leash gently to let her know that they were going inside. Nala lead the way and began to sniff. She sat down at a door letting JJ know to open it. She did, and it lead them to a set of stairs that leads to an attic. They go up, and Nala kept sniffing until she laid down beside a box. 

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