Chapter 3

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'Hey Emily! This is JJ. I don't know if you remember me or not, but I'm the girl from the bar you gave your number to.'

JJ was nervous because what if Emily didn't remember her? Or what if she just forgot because she was drunk? Before JJ could think anymore, her phone beeped, indicating that she got a text message. Her heart started beating faster, and it felt like it was going to beat out of her chest. After a few seconds of panicking, JJ picked up her phone and saw that Hotch had texted her. She felt disappointed but also a little relieved at the same time. He was just texting her that they had another case. JJ groaned but got her go bag and headed out. As she was driving, her phone beeped again, but she didn't look at it because she hated looking at her phone while driving. After she parked her car and turned it off, she took her phone out of her purse and looked at it. She had a message from Emily. 

'Hey Jayje! Of course I remember you. How could I forget the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen?'

JJ started blushing as she read Emily's text, but she didn't know why. JJ got out of her car and went into the building. She walked over to the elevator and headed up to the sixth floor. When she walked through the doors of the BAU, Derek instantly bombarded her with, "Did you text her?" 

"Yes, Derek, I texted her." JJ said, laughing a little bit. 

"Good. Now tell me when you two become a couple." he said. 

"We're just friends. It's simply platonic." JJ said. She walked over to her desk and began doing paperwork. 

"JJ, I was wondering if you would like to get some coffee with me tomorrow if we don't have a case." Reid said shyly. 

"Uh, sure." JJ said, looking up at him. She thought he was acting strangely, and she wanted to know why. 

~One month later~

JJ texted Emily everyday, but the only thing going on between them was friendship. JJ and Reid were a couple, but she didn't feel like she was completed. Right now JJ and Reid were at JJ's house, and they were making out. The entire time they were making out, JJ couldn't help but think that she was making out with Emily. Reid started kissing down her neck, and when he found her soft spot, she moaned out Emily's name which made him stop. "Why'd you stop?" she asked. 

"Why'd you moan Emily's name?" he asked. 

"I-I didn't." she said. 

"You definitely did. Have you been thinking about Emily this entire time?" he asked. 

"No." JJ said, looking down. 

"I've known you for long time, and I know when you're lying." he said. 

"I'm sorry. I just can't help but wonder what it's like to kiss her." JJ admitted. 

"Well then why don't you go to her and find out for yourself." Reid said, getting up off the couch. 


"No. All this time I thought you actually liked me back, but instead you've secretly liked Emily. Don't try to say that you liked me and not Emily because if you moan her name while making out with me, then you're just lying to yourself." he said angrily and walked out. JJ thought about what he said, and she realized that he was right. She had these underlying feelings for Emily that she didn't want to admit she had. JJ instantly grabbed her phone and decided to text Emily. 

'Meet me at The Secret Garden Cafe in Occoquan.'

'Why? Is everything okay?'

'Everything is fine. Just need to talk to you.'

'Okay. Be there in about 25 minutes.'

JJ was really nervous about telling Emily that she liked her as more than a friend. What if Emily didn't like her back? JJ decided to distract herself with music. Though some songs reminded her of Emily. After a 25 minute drive, JJ ended up at the cafe. She texted Emily that she was there and went inside. "Hello. How many?" the host asked. 

"Two." JJ told her. The host grabbed two menu's and lead JJ over to a table with just two seats. JJ thanked her and sat down. Soon after she sat down, Emily showed up and sat down across from her. "Hey!" JJ said with a smile. 

"Hey! So why did you ask me to come here?" Emily asked. 

"I will tell you eventually. Right now, I just want to order something." JJ said. Emily nodded, and they both began to look at the menu. 

"Hello! My name is Dasha, and I will be your server today. What can I get for you to drink?" Dasha asked. 

"I'm going to get water." JJ said. 

"I will get sweet tea." Emily said. 

"Okay, and do you guys know what you want, or do you need a few minutes?" Dasha asked. 

"I think we know what we want." JJ said. "I'm going to get the Mediterranean Chicken Chickpea wrap with a side of roasted potatoes." JJ said. 

"I'm going to get the Cuban with a side of roasted potatoes." Emily said. Dasha nodded and took the menu's from them. JJ looked at Emily, and Emily was looking at her as if she was saying to say what was going on. 

"Look, Emily, this is really hard for me to say. But, ever since we met, I couldn't stop thinking about you. At first it was just wanting to get to know you, but then it turned into wanting to cuddle with you, go on dates with you, kiss you, etc. I started dating Spence because at the time I thought what I was thinking would go away, but it didn't. I was making out with Spence earlier, and I ended up moaning your name. I was thinking about you the entire time, and I just thought about how good you could make me feel. Spence got mad about me and told me some things that made me realize that I think I'm starting to like you as more than a friend. I've never liked a girl before. I understand if you don't like me like that. I just thought that I would tell you. But please don't hate me. I-"

"JJ." Emily said, interrupting JJ. 

"What?" JJ asked, looking at Emily with a confused look. 

"Jayje, I've literally liked you since we met. I just didn't want to say anything because you just got out of a relationship. So I don't hate you. I never could even if I tried." Emily told her. JJ smiled and grabbed Emily's hand. A few moments later, their food arrived, and so they ate while talking about random things. 


Hey guys! I haven't updated in a little while, but I hope you like it!

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