Chapter 4

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JJ walked into the BAU the next morning to do her reports, but she was extra happy. Everyone noticed it, but only Derek asked her why. "Hold up, why are you so happy this morning?" JJ stopped in her tracks and looked at him. 

"I don't know what you're talking about." she said and turned back around to walk away. But, before she could do so, Derek gently grabbed her shoulder and turned her back around. 

"Spill it." he said. JJ groaned and gave in. 

"Fine. So I met with Emily last night over dinner to tell her my feelings, and it turns out that she likes me back." JJ said unwillingly. 

"So were you using Reid?" he asked. 

"No. I dated him because I wanted to see if the feelings I was feeling for Emily was just a phase, but it ended up with me actually being in love with her." JJ answered. 

"Hm. Well next time when you're making out with someone and decide to moan someone else's name, at least make the person you're making out with aware that you think you may be in love with someone else." Derek said. 

"How did you know I moaned Emily's name?" JJ asked him. 

"Come on, JJ. Did you really think that Reid wouldn't come to my house crying? He told me everything that happened. Well, not the part where you meet up with Emily, but he told me everything that happened between you two." he said. 

"I'm such a bad person." JJ said with guilt. 

"No you're not. You just fell for someone else. My guess is that you were scared and unfamiliar with the idea of being in love with another woman, so you did what you thought was a good idea. Look, I'm not going to judge you. Yes, what you did to Reid was bad, but that doesn't make you an awful person. You could've cheated on him with her. That would've been worse." Derek told her. He walked away to his desk, leaving JJ to stand in the middle of the hallway. As JJ was processing what he said, she walked over to her desk and saw that Spencer had puffy eyes. 

"Spence, I'm so sorry. I-"

"I have work to do. Please leave me alone." Spencer said, cutting JJ off in the middle of her sentence. 

"Spence-" JJ started, but he just looked up at her with his sad, puffy eyes. JJ couldn't even put together her sentence anymore. She just sighed and walked away to her desk. She sat down and got to work on her report of their last case. Just as she finished, Garcia called them to the conference room. 

"El Paso, Texas is in need of our help. Four women have come up missing in the past two months; two of which were found dead. One a week ago, the other two days ago. They were found with bruises all over their body. They were believed to be raped, and their, uh, butterfly. Well, it looks like someone took a knife and, you know, stuck it up there to scramble some eggs but destroyed the butterfly instead." Garcia said, displaying the pictures on the screen. The team looked on their iPads as well for further information on the case. 

"Judging by the way the women are murdered, we can definitely say that it's a male. Probably 30's to 40's. I just want to know the motive." Derek said. 

"Maybe he was hurt by someone he loved." Reid said. JJ briefly looked at him and sighed. 

"Maybe. But if you look closely at the second victim's lacerations, you can see that the wounds seem more hesitant than the first victim's. So maybe he was hurt, but maybe the person who hurt him didn't actually mean to hurt him, and maybe he's starting to realize that but still has all of the pent up rage." JJ answered. Derek looked between the two of them and didn't know what to do. Should he say something? 

"That could be. Or maybe he realizes that they didn't mean to hurt him and is feeling remorse for the victims, but he still has rage because he wants them to apologize to him, and he won't stop until they do." Derek said. 

"Well whatever it is, we need to get there. Wheels up in 30." Hotch said, and so the team dismissed their meeting and went their separate ways to get their bags and use the bathroom or get a quick drink of coffee. JJ used her time to call Emily. Emily was the only person she wanted to talk to because she felt like the team, besides Derek, would judge her. 

"Hello?" Emily answered. JJ smiled even though she was on the verge of crying. Even on the phone, JJ thought that Emily's voice sounded angelic. 

"Hey." JJ said just above a whisper. 

"Jayje, are you okay?" Emily asked. 

"Do you want an honest answer?" JJ asked with her voice shaking. 

"Yes. You can't keep burying your emotions to be a superhero. You're allowed to be human." Emily said, which made JJ chuckle. "What's going on?" Emily asked. 

"Spencer hates me. He won't even talk to me. I feel so guilty because I feel like I just used him. I just, I don't know. What do I do? How do I even apologize if he won't even let me?" JJ asked, finally crying. 

"I mean, what you did was kind of bad, but you were trying to mask your feelings for me. Guilt will always be there, but he will eventually have to talk to you. Just, give it some time. He will let you apologize when he is ready for that. But, Jayje. We don't have to do this if you don't want to. I know we aren't official or anything, but if it's too soon, then I don't want to force you into anything you aren't ready for." Emily said. 

"It's not too soon. I just want to be with you. I just don't know what to do about Spencer." JJ said. 

"Like I said, give him some time and space. Let him cope with what happened. Then you can apologize." Emily said. "I'm sorry that I have to cut this short. I have to get to practice." Emily said. 

"You actually have to practice bull riding?" JJ asked, starting to slow her tears down.

"Yeah. We can't just hop on a bull and expect to stay on the full or close to the full eight seconds and not get hurt." Emily said with a chuckle which caused JJ to chuckle. 

"Okay. Be careful. I don't want to have to visit you in the hospital when I get back." JJ said. 

"Shouldn't I be telling you that? You're at more of a risk because you could get shot." Emily said. 

"Eh. I won't get shot." JJ said. 

"You better not." Emily said in a serious voice. 

"I won't. Don't worry." JJ said with a chuckle at the end. 

"Okay. Bye cupcake!" Emily said. 

"Bye cheeto!" JJ said and hung up. Talking to Emily always made her feel better. She couldn't wait until she was able to see her again. 


Hey guys! Sorry it took so long to update! I've had college and trying to paint Christmas presents and so many other things. I hope you like this chapter!

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