Chapter 33

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"We should definitely exchange numbers so we can keep in touch and then go on a double date sometime." Maya said to JJ. 

"Oh of course! It would be so nice to meet Carina! She sounds like a lovely person." JJ said. They each gave each other their numbers and then had to say goodbye to each other. They each even had tears in their eyes when Maya walked away. 

"Aw babe, don't cry!" Emily said to JJ. She gave JJ a comforting hug to console her. 

"I'm sorry. It's just, I haven't seen her or even spoke to her since high school. It's been 12 years since we've last spoken to each other." JJ said. She wiped a tear away that had fallen. 

"I'm so sorry babes. I know they say that high school friendships don't last, but it seems like you two had a really great friendship going. It's like you two just pick back up right where you left off." Emily mentioned. 

"We really were the best of friends. I guess we just drifted apart because she was so focused on the Olympics that we never really had any time to hangout before I left for college. Then we just never talked to each other after that." JJ said, reflecting back to after high school graduation. 

"Well I'm glad that you guys had the chance to reconnect with each other." Emily said. 

"What about your friends that you had in high school?" JJ asked. 

"Well with moving around so much, I never really had the chance to make any friends. The only ones I've had were Matthew, John, and Ian. One's dead, and the other one is in prison," Emily said. "But now I have TK, Taniesha, and Jessica." Emily continued. 

"Well hopefully you meet some more great people you can trust enough to call them your friends." JJ said. 

"Yeah. And hopefully they're people who don't just use me for my money." Emily said. They got into the black SUV that they were using and headed to the airport. They boarded the jet and sat across from Hotch and Alex. 

"You guys really use this for every case?" Emily asked, looking around. They all chuckled. 

"Yeah. But I think it can use an upgrade and a better coffee machine." Hotch said. 

"Oh my gosh that would be so nice." Alex chimed in. 

"Man. Maybe I should've joined." Emily said. 

"You did dance in college." JJ pointed out. 

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean I can't kick criminal ass." Emily said. JJ chuckled as it reminded her of a time when her, Garcia, and Elle went to as bar when Elle was still apart of the team. 

"What's so funny? I know how to fight." Emily said, getting defensive. 

"No it's not that. Hey Garcia? Remember Brad?" JJ asked Garcia, who was up a little ways. 

"Brad? Brad, Brad, oh! Brad!" Garcia said, thinking out loud. Then she started to laugh hysterically. 

"I'm so confused." Emily said. 

"It's just something you had to be there for to understand the funniness of it." JJ said. The rest of the plane ride home was a little quiet as everyone was asleep. Everyone but Emily. JJ was snuggled up close to Emily while she was sleeping. Emily was really craving chicken nuggets and buffalo sauce as well as hot Cheetos dipped in chocolate pudding and apple slices dipped in sweet and sour sauce. She also really needed to pee. She tried to get up, but JJ's grip kept getting tighter. 

"Baby. I need to pee." Emily whispered. She also shook JJ a little bit in hopes of waking her up. She stirred a little bit, but she was still asleep. "Babes please get up before I pee in this seat." Emily pleaded with a whisper. JJ opened her and sat up. 

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