Chapter 40

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"Babe, it's almost time for you to go to work." Emily said, shaking JJ to wake up. 

"I don't wanna." JJ said, gripping tighter on Emily. 

"Babe, you have to be the superhero Declan sees you as and soon Davi." Emily said, recalling the conversation they heard between Declan and Daviana. 

"But I just wanna sleeeeep." JJ complained. 

"I know baby, but the city needs you. Nala is already up and ready to go." Emily said. 

"That girl's always ready to go." JJ said with a little chuckle. 

"Well get up, and I will make you a latte while you get ready." Emily said. 

"I'm up!" JJ said, rushing and going to their room. She ran into the wall before stepping onto the stair because she got up too fast. 

"Okay, drunkard. No need to fall because of coffee." Emily said with a laugh. She got up and went out to the kitchen. She was surprised that Daviana was still asleep, but she assumed that it was because she was up really early. Emily didn't feel like making espresso, so she ended up using two shots of espresso worth of cold brew that had made previously. She put the flavorings JJ had learned to like, which was salted caramel and cheesecake, into her plastic Starbucks cup she got on Amazon, then the cold brew, ice, and then half and half to make it a breve. She stirred it and then put on the lid and straw. Emily could hear JJ through the baby monitor saying goodbye to Daviana. Then she came down a few seconds after in her uniform. 

"No time for fantasies right now, Miss Prentiss. Nala and I have to get going. I love you, baby." JJ said to Emily, giving her a kiss. Normally it would be a short, sweet kiss. But, Emily grabbed JJ by the waist and pulled her closer and deepened the kiss. After air was needed, they pulled away. 

"Sorry. I just never know when the last time we will kiss or say 'I love you' will be. Especially nowadays." Emily said, looking down. JJ's heart broke. So she kissed Emily again. 

"I know it's scary out there, and I can't make any promises. But I want you to know that no matter what happens, I will always love you, okay? I love you, Emily Prentiss." JJ said, kissing Emily once more. 

"I love you too, Jennifer Jareau." Emily said. JJ and Nala walked out the door, and Emily felt empty. She didn't know why her anxiety was at an all time high, but she wished that it wasn't. She began to clean the living room, and then the kitchen. Before she could clean anywhere else, she heard Daviana start crying. She went up to her room and grabbed her from her crib. She changed her diaper and her clothes. Daviana was still crying, so she sat in the rocking chair thinking she was hungry, but she wasn't. She tried walking around with her, but she wasn't having it. She tried tummy time, a movie, bottle feeding her, but she still was crying. At this point, Emily was crying along with her because her anxiety was still sky high, and she felt like she was doing everything wrong. So, Emily decided to give someone a call. 


"Mom? I know i-it's a long shot, bar are you in the Dallas area?" Emily asked, sniffling. 

"As a matter of fact I am. What's wrong?" Elizabeth asked. 

"Can you please come over?" Emily asked, Daviana crying in the background. 

"Okay. I'll be over in a bit." Elizabeth said. Emily hung up and started pacing with Daviana, hoping that it will soothe her. About 15 minutes later, Emily hears a knock on the door. She knew it was her mom, and so she unlocked it and opened it. 

"Please help me." Emily said, tears pouring down her face. Elizabeth walked in, heart breaking from seeing her daughter crying from being overwhelmed. She knows she said some horrible things in the past, but she learned from her mistakes. She loves her daughter to pieces, and it absolutely breaks her from seeing her like this. 

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