Chapter 37

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"Do you mind if I ask you questions?" Declan asked JJ as they walked to where the most houses were that had candy. 

"Of course! What would you like to know?" JJ asked him.

"How did you and my mom meet?" he asked. 

"Well I was on a case in Fairfax, VA with my team, and after we solved it, the detective asked us to go to the rodeo. We didn't turn down his offer, and so we went. I wasn't interested in it at first, but then I heard your mom's name be announced. Suddenly I was interested in it because she was one of only a few women in PBR. After she was bucked off, she spotted me in the crowd and winked at me. At that time I had just broken up with my boyfriend literally an hour prior to then, so I didn't think anything of it. Actually I never really thought I liked women. Anyway, we went to a bar after it was over, and she just so happened to be there. She sat next to me at the bar, and the rest is history." JJ explained. 

"You said you were on a case. What does that mean?" he asked. 

"Before I became a police officer here, I was an FBI agent. I worked in the behavioral Analysis Unit. My team, well old team, is actually who saved your mom from your dad." JJ said. 

"Wait you were a real FBI agent?!" he asked, very shocked.

"I was. It was probably on of the greatest jobs that I've had." JJ said. 

"So what made you downgrade to becoming a police officer? I think that FBI sounds more interesting and probably pays better." Declan said. 

"Actually, your mom is the reason why. Now, with my ex-boyfriend, he had asked me to move down to New Orleans with him so I could be closer to him. He was a detective there. I had declined many, many times because my life was in D.C. and Quantico. When I tried to get him to move to D.C. he wouldn't because he wasn't willing to give up his job. But, with your mom, I didn't hesitate. She had an accident while bull riding, and it gave her a really bad concussion and some broken ribs. She had some signs of PTSD from it, and so when the doctor gave her the 'all clear' to ride again, she resigned. She didn't know what she was going to do, but then she told me that she was moving here. She never talked to me about it or anything. She just sprung that information to me. I was hurt because I thought that she never really loved me if she was just willing to move far away from me for a new adventure. But I thought about it, and I realized that I loved her more than my job, and so I made the decision to move here with her. I was actually wanting to transfer to the FBI field office here, but there wasn't any job openings, so that's when I decided to be a K9 officer." JJ explained. They arrived at the first house, and so Declan ran up to the random people and held out his pillow case. They gave him a handful of candy, and he turned around and went back to JJ. 

"So basically with your ex, who sounds like a douche bag by the way, you didn't love him enough to move all the way to New Orleans. But with my mom, it sounds like you were really in love with her and decided that she was worth more than your super cool job." Declan said. 

"Pretty much. She's the love of my life." JJ said. They were at the next, and the same thing happened. Declan got candy and went back to JJ.

"Can you tell me some background info on yourself?" Declan asked. 

"Well I grew up in a tiny town of East Allegheny, Pennsylvania. I played soccer and was actually captain of my high school soccer team my senior year. I studied at Georgetown and enrolled in the FBI academy the fall after graduating. I was an agent for around six years before moving to Dallas with your mom, and now I'm a K9 officer." JJ said, telling her life in a nutshell. 

"I love soccer! It's probably my favorite sport out of all the ones I play." Declan said. 

"What other sports do you play?" JJ asked. 

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