Chapter 27

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*TW- mentions of rape and torture*

"Emily, what's wrong?" JJ asked as they were waiting for their driver. 

"I don't know what you're talking about." Emily said, avoiding eye contact.

"You know damn well that that isn't true. Now tell me what's wrong. You've been distant since we introduced ourselves to everyone." JJ said. 

"That's exactly it." Emily said in a more rude tone. 

"What? I literally don't even know what you're talking about." JJ said. 

"Us introducing ourselves to everyone!" Emily said, shouting a little. 

"And that's a bad thing? I'm not following, Emily." JJ said, now confused more than ever. 

"We, well more like you, introduced us to everyone as girlfriends. GIRLFRIENDS! We are more than just girlfriends now, Jennifer. We are engaged to become wives. Am I now not your fiance? Do you not want to get married to me anymore?" Emily asked, tears threatening to escape. 

"Of course I want to get married to you, Emily! I'm just so used to saying girlfriend. That's all." JJ said, explaining herself. 

"Oh, but I bet if it were Will, you-"

"Will has nothing to do with this!" JJ shouted. It took Emily off guard, but what was she expecting?

"You know what? I'm done. I'm done talking. I think we should take a break." Emily said. 

"Emily." JJ said. 

"What? I'm being for real." Emily said. 

"Seriously, what has gotten into you?" JJ asked. It was as if she didn't know the Emily standing before her. 

Emily turned around, looking as if she was about to cry. JJ didn't know if it was about Sylvie, what happened with Ian, something JJ did, or something else. Whatever it was, JJ wanted to know so she could help Emily. "Seriously, Emily. What's wrong? Why are you crying?" JJ asked. Emily mumbled something, but JJ didn't hear it since Emily was facing away from her. 

"I didn't hear what you said. What's going on baby?" JJ asked. This time Emily turned around, tears falling down her face. 

"I'm pregnant." she said. JJ didn't know what to say. She had a shocked expression on her face, but then it really hit her as to what she said. Her shocked expression turned into a sad and hurt one. "Don't give me the sad and hurt look. I promise I didn't cheat on you. I would never do that. It's Ian's." Emily said. JJ's heart filled with sadness for Emily. 

"What all did he do to you?" JJ asked since Emily never really told her what he did. 

"I don't want to talk about it." Emily said. 

"Babe, please. It's something that I need to know so that way if you have flashbacks I know what I need to do whether it involves not having any contact or no shouting. I just need to know." JJ said. Emily guided JJ over to the bench and sat down. JJ sat down next to her and waited for her to talk. 

"Ian was never violent when we were kids. He was actually charming. He cared a lot about me, made me feel special, just basically made me feel wanted. After I was raped by Sylvie's father, Ian went with me to get the abortion. He supported me through it all, and we developed this bond that I can't really explain. We started dating, and he never pressured me into doing anything I didn't want to do. When I was ready to have sex, he made it special. Then I got pregnant with Declan after that night. I knew I didn't want to get an abortion, so I kept him. Then after I had him, I knew I wouldn't be a good mother to him no matter how much I loved him. So I gave him up to Ian. That's when he started to turn violent. Flash forward to when he kidnapped me. At first it wasn't anything I hadn't been through before. It was just a lot of beating. Then he branded me. That's where I got this four leaf clover. Then he raped me repeatedly. It brought back memories that I didn't want. He sexually tortured me, and I never thought that he would ever be that violent." Emily explained. She looked as if there was something else she wanted to say but didn't know if she should. 

"What else is there?" JJ asked. Emily sighed and looked the other way. 

"He made Declan watch as he beat me to show him what kind of mother I really am. I told Declan to turn away, but he just beat me even worse." Emily explained. JJ's heart hurt so much, so she just hugged Emily. She could feel Emily tense up but then relax as she realized it was just JJ. 

"I'm so sorry you had to go through that. That is really messed up for him to do. I know I've told you this a million times, but I'm always going to be here for you. No matter what. I may not know what to say sometimes, like now, but I am always going to listen." JJ said. 

"I know, and I love you for that. But I was being serious when I said that I think we should take a break. I'm not breaking up with you. I just need time by myself to figure out my thoughts and everything." Emily said. JJ just nodded her head. 

"Can you sing to me?" Emily asked in a soft voice. JJ nodded her head. She decided to sing a song that she recently heard. 

When did the scars over your heart
Become your hiding place?
When did the stars become so dark?
You couldn't find your way
The light inside your eyes is fading out
But I'm not gonna give up on ya now
Don't be afraid
I know you think you're on your own
But you'll be okay
You don't have to go through it alone
Fall into my arms
Fall into my arms
So let me see the hurt underneath
I'm not a stranger to pain
'Cause I believe in what you can be
I'll never turn away (away)
The light inside your eyes is fading out
But I'm not gonna give up on ya now
Don't be afraid
I know you think you're on your own
But you'll be okay
You don't have to go through it alone
Fall into my arms
Fall into my arms
You're not the one who needs to be strong
Fall into my arms
I see you right where you are
I hear the whisper of your heart
And it's okay to fall apart
I will carry you in my arms
Don't be afraid
I know you think you're on your own
But you'll be okay
You don't have to go through it alone
Fall into my arms (into my arms)
Fall into my arms (into my arms)
You're not the one who needs to be strong
Fall into my arms (into my arms)
It's okay to fall apart
Just fall into my arms

Emily was crying by the end of the song. "I love you so much." Emily said, gripping JJ a little tighter. 

"I love you the most." JJ said. Just as they said that, the driver pulled up. Emily dried her tears and told him to just take JJ to their house. She was going to get a hotel room and take a taxi there. He nodded his head and followed instructions. However, Emily didn't make it to her hotel room.


Hey guys! Here's an update for you guys! What do you think has happened to Emily? I hope you like it!

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