Chapter 31

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"She's back!" JJ could hear a woman shout. When JJ opened her eyes, she could see a couple of paramedics hovering over her. She turned her head to the side and threw up whatever was in her stomach. 

"I'm sorry." JJ said in a hushed voice. 

"It's okay. It's good to get it out. Can you tell me your name?" the woman asked. 

"It's JJ." JJ answered. 

"Hi, JJ, I'm Captain Vega with the Austin Fire Department. Is it okay if we transport you to the hospital for an overnight observation?" she asked. JJ nodded her head. She felt weak. "Okay.  It's just protocol, but you will be able to leave tomorrow." she said. They lifted her onto the stretcher and rolled her into the ambulance. 

"What abo-what about my purse and keys and car?" JJ asked softly. 

"I can grab your purse and make sure your keys are in it. However your car will have to stay the night." Captain Vega said. JJ nodded her head, and Captain Vega walked over to the bench JJ was sitting at and grabbed her purse, making sure her keys were in it just like she promised. 

"Everything is here; wallet, keys, phone receipts, and loose change." she said. JJ chuckled and thanked her. They transported her to the hospital before leaving her with a team of nurses. It didn't take long for Garcia and Hotch to be in her room. 

"How did you find me?" JJ asked. 

"Are you really going to ask? JJ how could you?! After everything you've been through, did you really want to die?" Garcia asked, scolding her while letting tears out. 

"I didn't know if Emily was alive. I can't do it anymore without her. What if she doesn't even remember me? What if she has severe head trauma that she forgets everything we had? I just- I can't do it anymore." JJ said, finally letting go of more tears. 

"Jayje, you know I worry a lot about you, but I'm severely worried. So worried that I have enrolled you in a rehab center." Garcia said. 

"You what?!" JJ asked, getting angry. 

"JJ, I'm just-" Garcia started but was cut off by JJ.

"I'm not addicted to drugs! This was just-" 

"You are addicted. I know an addict when I see one. We all agreed that this is what's best for you. We will find Emily. You need to focus on getting better and stop being dependent on drugs." Hotch said in a stern voice. 


"No 'buts'. We've made the decision for you not as your ex-colleagues but as your family. You leave tomorrow morning." Hotch said. He and Garcia left JJ to process everything. JJ wasn't happy with them at all. But maybe they knew something she didn't. She had only been using for a month. So why send her now? She didn't feel like she was an addict. Yes, she used everyday, but that doesn't mean anything. 

The next morning, Reid visited to give JJ clothes and essentials. "So who is picking up my car?" JJ asked. 

"Garcia's down in the lobby. She figured that you'd still be mad at her, so she sent me up here." He said. He seemed off to JJ, but she didn't want to question it. Reid turned around and was about to walk out, but he stopped himself. 

"What's wrong?" JJ asked. 

"I've always loved you." he said, looking down. 


"No, just, let me talk. When we went to the Redskins game, I was thinking it was a date. Then you brought Garcia along, so I figured you just didn't like me like that. I thought to myself that you didn't think of me as more than just friends. But I just thought that by the way looked at me sometimes that maybe you did. Then when we dated for a month, I really thought you genuinely liked me, but then you moan Emily's name confirming that you didn't actually like me. Hearing that you overdosed made me realize that I don't want to keep living any longer without telling you that I've always been in love with you." he explained. JJ didn't know how to process the information she was just told. 

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