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I get to school and headed straight to homeroom. I'm still a little bit tired so I feel asleep before the first period bell rings, Alice wakes me up when the bell rings and we both head to pe in the gym.

Soon as I walk in I hear my name called "Aurora come here." I walk over by Coach Smith who hands me the volleyball uniform. "I really should not give this to you after what happened yesterday. Remember though you will be sitting out the first set. Go put the uniform in your backpack." I head back to the locker room and put my uniform in the locker then walk back to the gym.

After I was done with P.E I had Social Studies. I really don't feel like going to Social Studies, I want to skip it but the only problem is that my mom will find out when she get an alert about attendance. Plus I will probably also be bench if coach Smith found out that I skipped. So I decide that heading to Social Studies is the best idea. I got there just before the bell rings. I go sit at my desk next to Caleb and Zoey. Zoey always makes jokes about how me and Caleb would be such a cute couple but honestly I don't see Caleb like that, besides I like Chidi.

"Good Morning class please pull out your essay outline you were ask to complete yesterday." Oh crap I forgot all about that essay outline that Mr.William assigned. Maybe I should have just have skipped.

" Zoey did you do the outline?"

"No I was about to do it now."

"Ok" Welp looks like I'm about to rush this but whatever. Mr.William is walking closer and closer by Zoey and I. I'm trying so hard to finish it before he comes over.

"Aurora are you almost done because Mr.William is literally coming and he is right there."

"Yeah thanks Caleb!" Caleb is so nice sometimes I've been knowing him since 1st grade.

"Aurora and Zoey may I please have your outlines."

"Here you go." Mr.William walks away. " Aurora girl lets hope we got a A cause before of are grades desperately needs it like bad."

"Girl I know right. Also we both can't get anymore more F's or we are going to be siting out the whole game.

Later on I head to the cafeteria and sit at the usually lunch table by Zoey, Alice, Jefferson, Chidi and Antonio.

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