Friday part 2

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"Stop! I want to hear on person at a time." Now Zoe you start.

Even though me and Zoe were fighting she still wanted to be a good person and not put every single piece of my business out in the world which she kind of already did. Zoe look's and me and mouth sorry before she spoke. "So look what happened was Aurora told me that she was was she couldn't hang out this weekend because of family but I found out she is lying and it is because she and Caleb are doing something or whatever."

That was honestly the very last thing I excepted Zoe to do let alone lie for me.



"Is what Zoe said true."

"Umm yeah it is."

I then mouthed thanks to Zoe as Coach Smith began talk once more "So you two are fighting over something as small as that. I don't believe it."

Zoe and I both say at the same time "It's true."

Coach Smith annoyed with us two say "Okay I don't have time for yall. Goodbye. Make sure you get yall jersey's for tonight.

While out of Coach Smith office I hear my name begin called "Aurora don't ditch your friends for some stupid boy and also please don't do anything stupid when you do whatever with Caleb on the weekend.

"Yeah okay." I start rushing out to go by Zoe who is standing by the gym door.

Then again I hear " I mean it Rory.

"Hey Rora I'm sorry if I have been acting like a bitch lately."

"Thanks I sorry to for being a bitch and kind putting a boy in front of you."

After about 5 seconds of how just hearing my crutches hit the ground in the hall way Zoe say "When Coach Smith said don't  do anything stupid with Celeb was she talking about y'all having sex."

"Oh gosh Zoe stop. I think she actually was though. I refuse to have that conversation with her."  Me and

Zoe and I continued to laugh are ass off before our favorite bitch Princess came over. "Aurora."

"Princess. Hey."

"Why do you have a jersey I thought you weren't playing today you know bc of the ankle."

"I play volleyball with you didn't I but the real question that should be ask it are you playing today cause little bird told me that you got a F on the last Science test we took and you know the rules for that right now."

She then walk away. "Aurora you better hope she is not going to cry  to her guidance counselor cause girl I do t have time for mines to be pulling me in talking about how I am being selfless."

"Honestly my counselor loves me and like the one time I did get in trouble in like 7th grade with for Princess she was just like you need to be aware  of people's feelings." At my middle school since so many things happen in D.C and most of are parents work for the government we have guidance counselors to talk about all of are problems.

Once the finally bell rang for school I went straight to the gym  since today we have a home game. Not any game we have a rival game today and usually most of the school is there to cheer us on.

I open the gym door then and before I put a single body part or anything in the gym Ms. Mal calls me aka my guidance counselor.

"Hey Ms.Mal." I let go of the gym door to close and we stand in the hallway.

"Aurora how are? I haven't talked to you in a good while."

"I'm doing well other than the very bad sprain ankle that I have which sucks."

"I wanted to see you during study period today but I guess you didn't get the message so on Monday during study period drop by my office so we can talk. Okay?"

"Mmmmh. Are you going to come watch the volleyball game today?"

"Yup I will be there. And please stay out of any trouble or drama. I do hear what goes around at this school."

"Yeah. I will try."

"I start walking towards the gym door when two little 7th graders come form out of no where and one of them say "Oh Aurora what did you do now?"

"Be quite Iris and I'm like 90 percent sure that Princess rated me out saying that I probly bullied her because I told her she won't play today because she got an F on her test."

"Is it true though?"

Before I could get a single word out of my mouth Janiyah says "I pretty sure Coach C did it when we were on the Jv team."

"Yall," I call  to get Iris and Janiyah's undivided attention . "Honestly once you get on the varsity team as long as you don't have an average of a low C in any of your class your not bench. They were just more strict so yall could be scared once your varsity."

"Okay I think we need to go in the gym know to set up the neat so we don't have to take down."

"Agree" Both me and Iris say at the same time and head to the gym.

Once Iris, Zoe, Summer, Janiyah, and finished setting up the neat went to go change in the varsity girl's locker room. Just so happen the varsity cheerleaders were changing at the same time for the game. The cheerleaders at my school are all popular girls and it is so aggerating.

I go by my locker and over by it I see Kate. Kate is one of the popular girls in 8th grade Shes not bad though I been known her since 2nd grade.

"Hey Aurora!"

"Hey Katy girl!"

"Are you going to play today please say yes."

"Umm Kate girl I do have a cast and crutches. The only thing I might do is sever but that's it.

"That works for me what's your number again so I can write it on my legs?"


"Okay thanks." She leaves out of the locker room and I put change to my white number 12 jersey and my black spandex shorts. I also put one volleyball shoe on to feel like I am going to play in the game or something."

While walking out of the locker room a see signs that read, we will miss you. Then it hits me today is also the 8th grade game.

I think see Zoe "Zoe I didn't know today was the 8th grade game?"

"No because same they didn't tell us anything but apparently are parents know."

" It's so weird because we used to be the ones planning the 8th grade game and now, we don't know anything about it."

"I know right."

"Auora and Zoey come here please." Coach C calls the Jv coach.

Zoey and I walk by Coach C. "How have yall been she says."

"Good." Both Zoey and I respond at the same time.

"Good, Good I want you two to help me warm up the Jv team for their game. Do you girls still rember the warmup drill?

" I think so." I respond.

"Good Zoey go get the cart of the lightweight balls for me."

Zoey goes and gets it and while gone Coach C says to me " I notice you have been enjoying volleyball a little too much."

"Technically if you think about it the only reason, I am like this is because Coach Smith wanted me to get along with Princess and we had to play beach. I usually never play beach in October."

"Whatever start the stretches with them while I fill out the stater sheet."

Once the Jv game started I sat on the first set of bleachers by Zoe, Alice and Nolle. Towards the end of the Jv game I began to see more and more people walk in along with the crowd I see Caleb walk in with Alex and Jefferson. Caleb waves to me and I wave back to him.

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