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Sorry about the delay I have school and sports I will try to post as often as I can

Around 2 o'clock in the morning my mom comes in my room and says, " I just got called into the office.If I can not come and get you on time Princess's mom is going to pick you up is that fine?"

"Yes." While my mom was talking I was honestly half asleep and did not understand what she said and I think she did that on purpose. So that way I can't say anything about going with Princess mom.

When the time came of course my mom was not able to pick me up but she said that she will be at the game. So Zoey and I rode with Princess and her mother to the beach volleyball tournament. Zoey and Princess don't really like each other to so the car ride was pretty silent. There was occasionally a few laughs from Zoey and I since we were texting each other during that car rides. Finally after a while Princess mom broke the silence and said  " Besides of Zoey are any of ya'll friends going to the game."

I respond back and say " A  couple girls from the volleyball team is coming and I know Caleb,Alex and Jefferson are coming to the game."

"Wait pause Caleb is going to be at the game omg why?"

"Umm because I told him about the game."

"Oh" Princess says in a disappointment voice.

look back down at my phone  and text Zoey.


Bestie⚡🤍💛: Rory 1st relax  take a breath and second if you like him that much which it seems like it tell him heck girl tell it to the whole world

Me: You know what Zo you might be right I will tell him after the game

Zoey looks at me and rolls her eyes and mouths do it now. I shake my head because I'am so scared like what if I'm just imagining and he really like Princess like that can not happen.

When we get to the beach Princess and I go by Coach Smith. Before heading all the way over there Yasmine stops me and says "Aurora your not quitting volleyball. I know you, you would not do that. So join back and come back on the time."

"Yasmine, I not quitting completely I'm just quite playing for school I will still play club and beach with you and play in high school next year hopefully."

"Girl I'm not supposed to tell you this but you need a recommendation either from your pe Coach or your middle school volleyball to get a good spot on the time so, whatever is going on you need to work it out." I was silent for a couple seconds. "Any words?"

"I will consider joining the team if Princess leaves the team," and walk away.

Yasmine responds back yelling with her back turn to me and says "Aww to bad for you Rory but we both know my mom will not work like that."

I head over by the one of the courts where Coach Smith and Princess is and we began doing a little bit of practice before the game. We are in a one day tournament so if you lose you out and if you when you keep advancing there are a total of 20 teams in the 13u division.

Once we are done we head over to the court we are going to play at. While walking I notice the Princess bag was open and say "Hey Princess you bag is open let me close." The nice kind amazing person I am I decided to act like her and look in her bag and say "Why did you bring volleyball shoes and knee pads. Why did you even bring a bag pack."

"Umm well I didn't really know what to bring so I just brought every thing in case did you not bring a bag?"

"Well not my backpack I brought my beach volleyball bag that I won from a tournament with Yasmine and in there are sun glass,visor and a water bottle which I hope you have in your bag to."

"Well I have water and I have sunglasses. There like fashionable sunglasses though. So I guess not."

Before I had a chance to respond Coach Smith said "Prince you will be fine."

I mumbled "Yeah right."

"What was that Rora?" Coach ask

Then I hear a "Rora".

I turn and look and see it's Iris, Janiyah,Summer
and Kayla. "Hey y'all. We are going to be playing at this court for the first game I think."

"Roraaa where is the food ms.girl"

"Summer turn around and maybe you will see it I have to go."

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